Passing Values Between Blazor Components Using Parameters & CascadingParameters

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Any product you make will have several components, and for sure those components will need to pass values to each other. How do you do that?
Using Blazor Component Parameters. In this video I am going to show you how they work and how you can use them to set up your component to pass variables from one place to another.
I am going to show you both Parameters and CascadingParameters. We'll discuss the difference between the two.
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#blazor #coding #programming
Using Blazor Component Parameters. In this video I am going to show you how they work and how you can use them to set up your component to pass variables from one place to another.
I am going to show you both Parameters and CascadingParameters. We'll discuss the difference between the two.
If you find this video useful don't forget to like it and subscribe for more programming lessons.
#blazor #coding #programming
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