Mastering feature selection: basics to develop your own algo by Dr. Saptarsi Goswami #ODSC_India
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Feature selection is one of the most important processes for pattern recognition, machine learning and data mining problems. A successful feature selection method facilitates improvement of learning model performance and interpretability as well as reduces computational cost of the classifier by dimensionality reduction of the data. Feature selection is computationally expensive and becomes intractable even for few 100 features. This is a relevant problem because text, image and next generation sequence data all are inherently high dimensional. In this talk, I will discuss about few algorithms we have developed in last 5/6 years. Firstly, we will set the context of feature selection ,with some open issues , followed by definition and taxonomy. Then we will discuss a couple of research efforts where we have improved feature selection for textual data and proposed a graph based mechanism to view the feature interaction. After the talk, participants will appreciate the need for feature selection, the basic principles of feature selection algorithm and finally how they can start developing their own models