Why is Chile so unbelievable long?

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Why is Chile so unbelievable long?

Anyone who has ever looked at South America on the world map has certainly wondered about very unusual shape of Chile. In its maximum width the country measures only 117 kilometers, but in length over 4200 kilometers. If Chile were located over Europe, it would stretch from the North Cape to Libya.

It extends over a total of 38 degrees of latitude, which is why six of the world's nine ecological zones are represented there. For example, in addition to ice-cold subpolar zones, it also has deserts where it has not rained for 400 years.

And Chile is a pretty unusual country in other respects, too. So today we're going to take a look at the exciting history of this country and ultimately fathom the question of why Chile has such a strange shape.
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Gracias a ser un país largo y estrecho, tenemos todo tipo de clima, como dice un poema "Chile y su loca gografía" es una franja de tierra que de norte a sur y de mar a cordillera, su población es gentil y solidaria, ante cualquier emergencia y/o catástrofes que tengamos nos unimos como uno solo. Considerando que somos el país más largo, con el desierto más árido del planeta, los cielos más transparentes del mundo, la cordillera más larga, más de 2.000 volcanes entre otros. Saludos desde Viña del Mar Chile.


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Why is it that everytime someone speaks of the Inca's, they show the Aztec & Mayan pyramids?? They were DIFFERENT cultures with different languages and different beliefs seperated in two DIFFERENT continents. Their people never met and their civilizations grew in different time periods. The Inca's NEVER built pyramids. The Inca's built the great ancient city of Machu Picchu. Stop confusing their peoples.

The only thing they have in common is that they were both great native american empires.

It's like the Chinese and Japanese peoples. They are two seperate cultures but the only thing they share is that they are both asian peoples.
