Stumbling to Disaster: Battle of the Wabash

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In the years following independence, the newly-formed United States of America look westward for their expansion, hoping to conquer territory and sell off the land to eager European settlers.

Among their targets is the vast, resource-rich 'Northwest Territory', stretching from the Appalachian Mountains to the Mississippi River. But this is not vacant land - thousands of native people, across numerous tribes, call these valleys and forests their home, and they will fight to protect it. As violence along the frontier rises and negotiations fail, the federal government decides to take the territory by force... but they have fatally underestimated their enemy.

This is the full story of the Battle of the Wabash... America's first military defeat.

📚 Thank you to Osprey Publishing for kind permission to use several of their images in this video.
You can discover more about this campaign, Native American and frontier military history in these great books:

🎨 Thank you to the artists who kindly gave permission to use their artwork in this video. Visit their websites to find more great artworks of the old American frontier:


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What's been your highlight of this series? Let us know in the comments!


I dont care what anybody says. This narrator is doing a good job. The usual narrator will be back. Just enjoy the extra content, cmon.


Teutonberg'd Romans: "First time?"


This is the best History channel on YouTube without a doubt, i can't wait until you guys finally do a series on the Seminole wars.


St. Clair did exactly what Major Patrick Ferguson did during the Battle of King's Mountain. Instead of fortifying their positions with makeshift breastworks or keeping their forces unified or at least close enough for effective coordination, St. Clair and Ferguson just decided that the ground was secure enough as a defensive position, throwing away the old rule book about bivouacking in a hostile environment. And both commanders also faced irregulars who were skilled in woodcraft, marksmanship, and maneuverability, armies of which can make an unsecure defensive position untenable.


2 Narrators, One for the Old World and One for the New World


I like the underated early us history. I hope you guys do a video on the barbary wars or a short series on the war of 1812.


I know very little about this conflict. Thank you EpicHistoryTv for changing that!


1/4 of the whole US Army being wiped out in one battle is insane.


I’ve read multiple books on this campaign and the Northwest Indian War, and this series has been an excellent retelling of St. Clair’s Defeat. I can’t begin to express how excited I was to see one of YouTube’s preeminent history channels covering this period of early American history. Well done


Will we get a follow up video on the Battle of Fallen Timbers? This coverage of early American wars is fascinating


The failures in logistics was probably less fatal than the fact that most of the soldiers weren’t ready for combat at all. They had the high ground and only managed to kill 20 natives. I’m assuming they were poor shots or weren’t disciplined in their volley fire. 6 cannons for a fort seems a bit low.


I live near where Ft. St. Clair is. Have always wondered about how his defeat came about. The founders of the town found a ox that had wondered off from Anthony Wayne's army. They named him Ol One Eye. Was the towns mascot until he died. Gave him full military honors and buried him at the fort. Later William Henry Harrison would come here to campaign and led the townspeople to the old fort and showed them where everything used to be inside. Little Turtle even paid a visit in later years. Tecumseh even did some trading here


This is such a great way to tell the story of a battle. Using these simple animations of units moving around on maps, with narration and other images, it's a perfect format! It makes it very easy to see and understand what happened during all these battles. This channel has a really great format/formula for telling these stories!


St. Claire is such a real one knowing the danger he was in and hurrying solders being chased by the Native Coalition. This defeat is really a result of his circumstances.


What an amazing surprise! You guys are the BEST history channel! Your narration, maps and passion are second to none! 🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤


History of battles and wars like this teaches us a lesson: a bunch of angry locals in a forest are most of the times superrior to skilled and equipped army if they are used propertly.


Love that this channel is covering Native American Wars. Let’s see the Red Stick War next. Don’t forget to mention the Coushatta (Koasati) or the Alabama tribes who were the first tribes to make up the Red Sticks. They always just lump them in with the Muskogee Creeks.


Hopefully this series will continue and eventually reach the battle of fallen Timbers.


​​I actually find the American narrator to be very fitting. Also, the music is great. always on point, always enhancing the experience. Perfect Combo for this one! well done as always guys!
