Speaker Series: Virtually The Same Thing? How Virtual Care Will Fit In The Future Of Cancer Care

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Join us for a virtual evening talk on April 25, 2023 where Sunnybrook experts will discuss:

• How the Pandemic Affected Virtual Care:
Ruby Bola, Project Manager, Strategic Initiatives and Angela Leahey, Patient Care Manager, Ambulatory Oncology Nursing and Clinics

• How Virtual Care Can Work, Even in a Surgeon’s Office:
Dr. Calvin Law, Chief, Sunnybrook Odette Cancer Centre

• Virtual Patient and Family Education: Opportunities, Successes and Lessons Learned
Tamara Harth, Program Manager Patient and Family Education

• How Virtual Care Can Fit Into a System of Care:
Dr. Simron Singh, Medical Oncologist, Medical Oncology/Hematology

Moderator: Dr. Calvin Law, Chief, Sunnybrook Odette Cancer Centre
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