You should know this before building a Garden Railroad

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“The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again.
But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked.
Don’t rejoice when your enemies fall;
don’t be happy when they stumble.
For the Lord will be displeased with you
and will turn his anger away from them.
Don’t fret because of evildoers;
don’t envy the wicked.”

Proverbs 24: 16-19 NLT
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I started out back in 2015 with one loop and know has grown to 6 loopsand over 2000 feet of track, is a addiction to some of us.


My dad converted his loft entirely to build a massive LGB G guage circuit. Used to love playing with it in my youth. I don't think it's been turned on in more than 10 years now.


Good to hear that there is no show stopper for us :) we are just starting ^^


Useful for my Christmas display later that I want to do


Thank you for this video!! It really helped to teach me on outdoor railroads! I have an old Bachmann locomotive set that would look super nice outside, so I wanna make sure I know what I’m doing lol. Thanks again!!


I agree with you.I started my outdoor layout 7 years ago and getting close to finish it now.
I had setbacks, learned a lot.


I was so excited when I saw your new video had posted! I needed a break from our family vacation 🤪. Thanks for your thoughts! I’m looking forward to seeing more of your garden experience so I can start on my own.


Plant a pine tree in the center of your garden rr that would look awesome at xmas with decorations and lights on it with the train going around it outside


Just watched this video for the first time. Unfortunately I don’t live in a house I live in an apartment but I still model in G Scale. These trains do have an extremely large size and really do take up a lot of space. Luckily for me however my apartment happens to have a large amount of space which enables me to build an indoor layout. I know I won’t be able to build a countryside layout but I thought why not try an industrial goods yard layout where rolling stock is kept. You wouldn’t know it but by watching this video, this video alone triggered an idea in my head to do just that. Thanx for the advice in the meantime and happy railroading!


A really good coffee is Walla Walla Roasters Ethiopian whole bean. Super smooth taste. Love the show and your love of trains!


I have a friend with one and there are challenges, after the winter we all help out. Anyway I too wondered about the blank space at the end of the vid.


Glad to see you getting into the large scale. I've definitely had a lot of fun with mine. A benefit you didn't hit on is the size makes everything easier to handle. I can work on details without a magnifying glass 😉 Enjoy and looking forward to your next video


I have been a garden railroader for over 20 years.The first thing I decided when building it; it will be above ground. Mine is approx. 3 feet above ground.Reason being; its is more fun not being bent over when working on railroad and flower bed. It does cost more, but, it's great photographing it at different seasons. I'm in Kamloops, B.C where winter temps get down to -25C but, I still play trains.Long enough to photograph some great pictures.Havefun everyone.I also have an N scale railroad in basement when it gets really cold.


I’m definitely going to save these videos for later. My mom wants to build a fairy village garden, & I think some G scale trams would take it to the next level 👍


I agree. In addition to weather changes building a bench created from wood in the basement is far different then having to deal with the reality of creating a layout in the back yard.



I'd wager that garden railroading has a big perk in that it is very kid friendly. The large scale stuff is very robust, far more than tabletop scales. My first "real" garden railroad was built when I was 8 and it was pretty awesome for me at that time. It was a 8x20' wooden box lined with weed fabric, then filled with pea gravel. A few plants were planted in the soil underneath, but it was mostly a gravel pit. It was great in that an infinite number of track plans could be tried daily. If you ever want to make a "branch line" for the little engineer, maybe that would be a neat way to include him/them in the hobby.

I'd think 3d printing would be a great way to make cars and locomotives for garden railroading. There is some "Open Railways" content on thingverse that would be intensive but cool potential builds.

Sam's Choice 7 a.m. Saturday


Yep putting up my first outdoor train. Going with my g scale Xmas train. Fully animated and whole thing lights up. I got lucky with this one to. Brass tracks and extra cars not included with the initial set plus extra track. Picked up not far from me for $50. Had to do some work to it but worked as well as it looked. B-e-a-u-tiful. Might do short video of me and my dad putting it up.


Great information Jimmy. In my case the video screen seemed to be done and the screen went blank at 7:17 and appeared to be blank to 11:54


I've been an HO modeler for about 60 years and an A scale (1:29) modeler for about a decade. The first hurdle was getting a handle on scales. Typically, everyone is selling stuff as "G scale", when G scale is 1:22.5. If you want to model a particular scale, it isn't as easy as one would expect. Next is overcoming the coupler minefield that is ubiquitous in the 45mm gauge world. I solved that by fitting body-mounted Kadees to everything. The next hurdle was realizing that DC powered trains though the rails is a nightmare of maintenance and frustration, (at least in the desert climate of Phoenix). Once I went to onboard battery power (Revolution), all my operating troubles disappeared. The other problem is the cost of track and rolling stock. But if you have disposable income, go for it! It was great fun having that outdoor layout in Phoenix once I got it all figured out.


Great vid once again. Have seen some but also live steam in my area. Very cool. Seems like you were on a coffee high too.😉
