Obj 140 to be buffed, Giveaway winners! | World of Tanks

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Skill4ltu's Community Clans (EU and NA) are currently recruiting. You can apply ingame, please read the requirements carefully before applying. 0:00 Start
0:11 Giveaway winners
1:17 Obj. 140 intro
2:30 Obj. 140 gameplay

Congrats to the winners! :)

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Skill4ltu's Community Clans (EU and NA) are currently recruiting. You can apply ingame, please read the requirements carefully before applying. | World of Tanks
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0:00 Start
0:11 Giveaway winners
1:17 Obj. 140 intro
2:30 Obj. 140 gameplay





Because yeah, we need exactly a buff in the 140. Let's make the soviet medium tanks even more broken if possible. I guess in six months we will have a buff in the 430U because 290 mm of armor in the cupola is too weak for the HEAT spam.


yes let’s buff the 430U as well please it’s a bit weak armor


every tank you drive is buffed, you hit more bulls eyes with type 5 derp gun from 400m than i do with the grille from 200m


Congratulations to the winners! Sending kurwa flowers your way ;)


I was miserable grinding through the Russian line headed for the Obj 140 until I saw how it’s all for training you to play like an outlaw once you get to the 140. Some pictures take time to be seen clearly in the crazy game. You really help with that and for that I thank you!


i agree with you OBJ140 is just fine the way it is. It is good tank that can play mid range support, flanking and spotting without being to overpowered to break the game. There are so many other mediums that really need some love. Also i recently unlocked the tier X polish medium and i find it to be so much worse than Obj and Leo, even than AMX (if it is possible)


WG: nerfed Proguetto
Litelary nobody:
WG: Buff Obj 140
This thing can bounc tier X TD and is mobile, have high DPM, accuracy, pen... And Leopard PTA us geting nerfed more then Obj 430 did


Congrats for everyone c:
Lets watch daily dose of skil :D


Great play by the BatChat in that last game, had no idea you could snipe the balcony from there.


My Skill commander is going to sit in Obj.140 when I'll finally research it. He's currently destroying enemies in the HEAT-54, and has three beautiful ladies at his command.

Good crew makes such a difference it's insane. I have never had a more pleasant grind :)


I actually play much better when I try to have a positive outlook on the game so I really enjoy Skills videos. Complimenting the enemy teams plays, accepting when my team performs bad with peaceful resolution, trying to remain cool, patient and keep thinking about how to get use looking at the map


7:26 I notice that the Progetto 46 that followed you to the island did zero. Just along for the ride.


Congrats to all the winners!! Congrats to Obj 140 for BUFFS!! Condolences to all other T10 meds who basically got nerfed by comparison :)


E50m before: Bad
E50m after: still Bad

140 before: good
140 after: super good



I actually said the same thing to one guy saying "Oh you just have to know how to be arty safe"..
1. If you keep thinking about how to be arty safe you are not focusing or in a position to defeat your enemies effectively.
2.Arty can move, you are never always arty safe.
3. LIke skill said.. 3 artyy meaning 3 different angles you need to be arty safe from which leads to you having extreme amount of restriction to move freely.

I was once in an extremely solid position in my amx m4 51 that i had a feeling of 90% win from the position i was, it was an encounter battle.. 3 artillery knowing how i wasnt gonna die kept focusing me and there was literally no nearby place where I was safe from arty.. I had literally no option even my teammates couldnt do anything about it even though they tried and realised my position was important.. Not only did they all focus me, they hit me sequentially so my stun duration was infinite, I kept missing my gun too cuz of the accuracy debuff. That was the worst and most frustrating battle of my life, you can not even predict where arty can be you are just not safe ANYWHERE.. and i didnt hate arty that much until that day.. I put spall liners on all my heavy tanks now.. fk it.


When I started with WoT 6 years ago the Obj. 140 had this very thin roof... got buffed. Now the frontal armor gets buffed... Next step needs to be a better gun handling.
At this rate the next Russian tank that needs a buff - is the Obj. 430 U


Thanks to Skill I'm going to have the courage to risk it for the biscuit when I land in this map. I've never tried crossing the line 1-2 in Mines in this manner. For me, it was the hill or nothing. XD


I thought the 140 was perfectly fine. It was over performing when they first made it but power creep has kind of made it average.. The one that needs a buff is the damn T62A.


Was surprised to hear about obj140 buff. Just bought it this week and see nothing wrong with it. Always nice when they buff one of my tanks, though.
