Musa [Moses] AS Part 7 - The Story Of Al-Khidr

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The story of Al Khidr occurred during the prophethood of Musa (AS). By all accounts, Al Khidr was extremely wise and pious, and was granted knowledge from the Kingdom of Allah. Some scholars speculate that he was a prophet, however, there is no conclusive evidence in the Qur’an or Sunnah on this. The story begins with the assertion by Musa (AS) to his people that he was the most learned amongst them. As a result, he was immediately reprimanded by Allah, and in fact Allah corrected him and told him that there was someone more learned.

Lecturer: Shaykh Belal Assaad

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Subhan 'Allah Alhumdulilah Wa li ilahaillilah Wa Allah O Akbar ☝️♥️

Peace and blessings of Allah Swt be upon all the prophets messengers and the companions RA and the Muslim Ummah Ameen yah rabbil Aalameen ♥️☝️

Mahshaallah ♥️ Beautiful facts about the islamic history and the true stories subhan 'Allah ☝️


May Allah bless Al khidr alehi salam, Musa alehi salam, Harun alehi salam, Yusha alehi salam, The sailors peace be upon them, The Boy who was murdered and his righteous family, The Righteous Father and his Family


The meeting of Khidr a.s and Musa a.s has a very deep meaning how twoo worlds interact with each other.
Thats why its mentioned in the surah kahf were 2 seas meet meaning where 2 knowledge meets (the world we live in and the world behind the veil)
1)The world we live: How to organize society that we live in according Gods laws
2)The spiritual world behind the veil: Knowledge or information about events that have to happen and divine intervantion to change the events according Gods plans (Destiny)
Musa a.s was confused because acts that khidr was performing they didnt corespond with the commendements that he recived from God.
Khidr a.s broke 2 of GODS commendemends the (6th You shall not murder and the 10th) than he explained him the meaning of his acts and who gave him the order (GOD)
This reminds us again that no creation knows the future exept ALLAH (no Prophets no Jinns no Angels) and how things will onfold thats why the frase
With the will of god (InshALLAH).


Assalamualaikum, just asking, is the ayat of 1000 dinars taught by prophet Khidr AS himself?


Assallarmu alaikom I know Al khidr Dhul Qarnain...really well I can tell you exactly who that person is. So InshaAllah contact me
