Research difficulties

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Levels of evidence (Dr. Sackett) 

I = Meta analyses or RCT with clear cut results
II = Small RCT with unclear results
III = Cohort or case control study
IV = Historical cohort of case-control studies
V = Case series studies with no controls

Practice recommendations

A = Strong recommendation

Level I evidence or consistent findings

B = Recommendation
Level II, III or IV but consistent

C = Opinion
Evidence but inconsistent

D = Opinion
Level V evidence or no systematic empirical evidence

Research on covid-19 is suffering “imperfect incentives at every stage” (28th May)

Cite bate

Scientists and journalists

Journalists are reporting on more preprint studies that have not been peer reviewed and vary in quality

What we are seeing is worrying signs of a compromise in quality

There is an urgent need for data and knowledge, but false information is worse than no information

2181 publications

304 (14%) primary research papers,

218 (72%) of primary papers observational

82 (27%) of which peer reviewed

Therefore 3.7% of all publications peer reviewed primary research

Greater transparency needed
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I admire your integrity. Something rare to find in these times.


Thank you yet again, Dr John, for your modesty, and ability to change your mind according to new information - and your determination to give us the best data you can find. Very much appreciated.


Listening carefully to this video should be required of every media person and journalist in the world.


Thank you, Dr John, for having the integrity to take a second look at things you have always relied on and seeing there is reason to question strongly held beliefs.


23:45 onward, classic example of Dr. John in action and why people from around the world view his reports. Boils it down into how difficult it is to get accurate information and decision making data. Thank you Dr. Campbell much appreciated as usual.


This can’t have been an easy video to make, but videos like this is why I will continue to watch your channel. Integrity is rare these days. A lot more rare than I ever would have believed; and you’ve got that in spades. I may not agree with everything you have said over the past few months, but I trust your intentions implicitly, and have the greatest respect for what you are doing here. Thank you for fighting the good fight...


This video is a prime example of your integrity and trustworthiness.


I am very impressed by you. The greatest inoculation against bias is humility. Thanks for all you do!


John, my respect for you only grows every day and your experience speaks for itself. You are a genuinely kind man who has dedicated his life to helping others, and thank you for doing these videos, they have been invaluable in our lives. Thanks for this vid too, it has proved to me that power of politics and money transcends almost all area of life internationally. People can be and are bought regularly.


Your honesty is very refreshing. And very rare these days. Thanks doc.


A true sign of intellectual honesty is the willingness to admit error and change ones mind. Thank you Dr. John for this video. Confidence restored.


I appreciate and respect your doubts and attempts to maintain rigor in the face of human tragedy. It takes courage to admit when you are wrong, even more so to admit the possibility of being wrong (and not knowing either way). There is so much we still don't know.


*I'm so glad someone has spoken up about peer reviewed studies, and the difference.*

Thank you!


Thanks for explaining this. As a retired academic physician I appreciate the difficulty of obtaining quality data free of selection bias and confounding circumstance. Lately the press and, unfortunately prominent health officials, have been reporting on hydroxychloroquine studies as if gospel. I immediately search the study, read it, and I'm left shaking my head at the shoddiness of analysis and dishonesty of conclusion. Let us hope that quality data will emerge to guide us.


Thank you Dr John for doing this. The public needs to have a better understanding of the scientific method of evidence-based inquiry right now to stay safe.


Thank you, Doc, for keeping us company daily during these challenging times, for your dedication to your humanitarian, self-imposed task of helping us to stay informed on these all-important covid issues, and for inspiring us with your caring, compassion, professionalism, wisdom, warmth, and ethics. Heroes like you, of which there are so few, renew faith in humamity. And the human race is desperate for this. Kudos to you for sticking with this awesome work you do despite the often depressing nature of the subject-matter. Stay well, stay strong, and be safe. May you have a very, very long, healthy, happy and peaceful life. We love you!


THANK YOU!! About time people are waking up and you too Dr. Campbell but kudos to you for admitting it and reporting.


Fantastic: Thank you DR. Campbell. Your point today is fundamentals taught in every hard science. When non- degreed students at home are noticing; WE ARE IN TROUBLE. We expect nonsense from media and forgive politicians, we need good science.


Thank you for addressing this. The Lancet publication on HCQ was indeed only a Level IV -- and a flawed one to boot.


Dr John calls himself naive? And we have truckloads of so called experts commenting online!

This is why I love this channel! The humility of Dr John.
