Q&A: How should founders prepare for the decline in startup valuation and investor interest?

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KPMG High Growth Ventures Q&A Series: 7th September

Investors are tightening their wallets, but what does this mean for founders? Head of High Growth Ventures' Amanda Price speaks to three specialists to get their take on how founders should be responding to the market crunch.


About our panellists:

- Sarah Hunter, Senior Economist and Partner, KPMG Australia. As part of the KPMG Australia Economics & Tax Centre, Sarah brings significant experience forecasting and analysing cyclical shifts and structural developments in the Australian and global economies. Sarah specialises in macroeconomic modelling, econometric analysis, scenario analysis and policy assessments.

- Daniel Teper, Partner - Mergers & Acquisitions, KPMG Australia. An experienced M&A advisor, Dan has completed over 40 transactions in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, United States, and beyond. Dan is also the Head of Fintech for KPMG Australia.

- Martin Dalgleish, Partner - HEAL Partners, Partner - RealVC and Non-Executive Director KPMG Australia. Martin is a technology and disruption specialist director and investor. With a career spanning more than three decades, Martin has experience in technology, consumer, telecommunications and media working with leading brands including PBL, Optus, PepsiCo and IBM.


About KPMG High Growth Ventures

From startup to scale and beyond. No matter where you are right now, we’ll get you the help you need to drive your business forward.

The KPMG High Growth Ventures team is purpose-built to empower Founders and their growth ambitions. We help Founders fully realise their potential, as well as the potential of their team and their business, by connecting them to the expertise, skills and resources they need at every stage of their growth journey.

We leverage our extensive experience to help founders achieve their next milestone, providing access to our network of skills and specialists - both locally and globally, connecting you with our trusted advisory solutions across the KPMG network.

Whether you are looking to refine your strategy, establish your operations, prepare for a capital raise, expand abroad or simply comply with regulatory requirements, when you need support - we're here for that.

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