Nightcore - Just A Dream

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Music: Just A Dream - Nelly (Sam Tsui and Christina Grimmie Cover)

Rest in peace Christina Grimmie, may you continue to sing from your home among the angels ♥ 06/10/16

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I'm back after 6 years... and it hurts me to figure out so late that the woman with the beautiful voice who made this nightcore version even possible is dead... this song was one of the first nightcores I heard when I was in middle school and this really lifted my spirits whenever I heard it. I am wishing that Christina is resting well. In highschool looking back on these songs, feeling kinda old. time really does fly. Hey, if you're in middle school (6th, 7th and/or 8th grade) use your time wisely. Take time for yourself if you're feeling down. If you have an issue between a friend, a family member, or someone that you care a lot about, go resolve that issue. You can't be mad at them forever. Just make sure you enjoy your time as a kid because before you know it, you'll be in highschool taking finals for the end of the semester. Or you could be looking for a job. You might be thinking "Yea, right. That's years away from happening." Well, I'm here to tell you that you could loose track of time and when you finally start paying attention, it'll be too late to take a chance to sit down and relax. But for now farewell, live well and stay well. I hope whoever comes across this comment lives a healthy, happy life and make sure to be nice, even to those you don't know. Be kind, it costs nothing.


For everyone who is on 2020 ...mainly it will be kids ...i still remember when i was a kid and my first Nightcore was this ....this Nightcore is a cover version of original song ..and the girl who did the cover( Christina) is dead ...from a shooting in a music concert ....
Well good luck lads a blast...this was our childhood ....nightcore anime league....dream big dont go for smallness


Today, Christina, one of the singers in this song, was shot dead at her own show.

She was a talented angel. I wish her well, and I hope she's in a better place now.


it has been many years old friends... many many years... im glad to see you all here with me again after all this time, do you remember back in the day when we would listen to these songs on the way to school? things were so much simpler back then... i wish i was not so foolish to want to grow up sooner like i did... cherish your childhood friends.


I’m back after six years, getting that nostalgia back


Welcome back everyone, it’s been a while hasn’t it?


I just learned about Christina Grimmie, I feel so bad that she was killed during a concert, getting ready to hug someone, and then she was shot. How unfair the world can be, I could almost cry knowing what happened to her, I wish she was still alive, making people happy. We miss you, Christina <3 :, (


That nostalgic feeling hits hard for real, i will see you guys here again in a couple of years after youtube randomly decides to remind us of that simpler times.


I will be honest, I do not know who Christina Grimmie is/was but when I was reading the comments I read she was shot at her concert and it is really sad on so many levels, not only getting shot while singing at a concert traumatizing every person there and let's talk about what Christina might have thought to herself at that moment, it really just shows again how fucking rotten people can be. Death in general is a cruel thing alone since while you may believe in God or not, at the end of the day you know nothing and while it might be a paradise, it might as well be nothing and just the thought of everything just ending not only scares me but also opens a void inside of me every time I think about it. Life is precious of any human being and it really hurts to know when someone got robbed of that not to mention in that way...


Goodbye Christina. I hope you have a safe journey


Back after 8 years, this song brings back so many memories :')


She was opening her arms to hug him, a warm smile was at her mouth. He smiled at her, tge person he was deadly obsessed with, too. In the blink of an eye he was holding a pistol, shooting her down, just meters away from the warm hug she wanted to give. She fell down and her brother jumped at him, trying to choke him. He killed himself after that and her brother was so sad he never could managed to get over. Her mother, who was depressed before died a couple of years later. And now she, Cristina Grimmie is dead and I hope she keeps singing for the angles in sky she believed in so much. We did, do and will miss you, Christina Grimmie.


*"But you made the decision that you wanted to move on 'cause I was wrong"*

*May Christina Grimmie rest in peace ❤*


her voice is aggressive but sweet at the same time...


Man, coming back to this song is one hell of a trip. First discovered this when I was around 12, it quite literally was the first time I ever felt emotional listening to a song. Was also what sorta caused the birth of my creativity and made me truly start wanting to write a story of my own. It caused me to actually observe the traits of stories in games that I liked, which elements made one good, which made one bad, what the cliches are, etc.

Here I am now, with that story now completely rewritten and retaining the same characters but rewritten (some redesigned) along with many new ones as I expanded on the story’s world.

I am turning 19 years old on the 30th of January.

Thank you Christina Grimmie, for giving me a chance to realize that I’m not a nobody who has 0 passion for anything.

I’ve finally found what I want to be possibly my biggest work. I don’t care if others never discover what I’ve created once it’s finished. I just care that I’ve finally found something to pour my soul into


3 Years ago, on this day, one of the singers in this song, Christina Grimmie, was shot in her own concert. may you have a better life than you had before.


Who else is back in 2020 for the nostalgia? This was my absolute favorite nightcore song


Rest In Peace Christina.
Hope you're doing well wherever you've went to.
Your fans will always remember you.


I love this song!! I miss Christina Grimmie😕 she was amazing and she didn't deserve what happened to her. RIP Christina 💕


"will you come back?... no one knows" 😭😭❤️
