Finite Automata to Regular Expression using State Elimination Method | GATECS | TOC

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#fatore, #stateelimination, #GATECS, #TOC, #automatatheory
state elimination method regular expression || state elimination method dfa to regular expression || state elimination method examples || finite automata to regular expression || fa to regular expression || fa to re conversion || fa to re conversion examples || finite automata to regular expression using state elimination

This lecture shows how to design the Regular Expression for a given Finite Automata using State Elimination Method.
State Elimination Method :
Rules to convert a DFA/NFA//Ɛ-NFA into corresponding Regular Expression.
Rule-1 :
If there are no incoming edges to the start state proceed further to check other rules. If there are incoming transitions to the initial state, then make new start with no incoming edges and an outgoing edge to the old start state with Ɛ-transition. the initial state before is now normal state with added incoming Ɛ-transition.
Rule-2 :
If there are no outgoing edges from final state proceed further to check the last rule. If there are outgoing transitions from final state, then make new final state with no outgoing edges and an incoming edge from old final state of Ɛ-transition. Old final state is transformed into normal state with the added transition of Ɛ.
Rule-3 :
If there are no multiple final states proceed to elimination (except final and initial) of normal states. If the Automata have multiple final states then convert into single final state add outgoing Ɛ-transition to new and only final state with no outgoing transitions.
Rule-4 :
eliminate all states one by one except starting and final state.

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#StateElimination #FiniteAutomataToRegularExpression #FAtoRE #FAtoREConversion #StateEliminationMethod #DFAtoRE #NFAtoRE #RegularExpressions #RegularExpressionGeneration #RegularExpressionExamples #RegularExpressionTutorial #RegularExpressionJava #RegularExpressionPython #RegularExpressionOnline #RegularExpressionCSharp #RegularExpressionTOC #RegularExpressionGenerator #StateEliminationMethodExamples #ArdenMethod #RijMethod #RegularExpressionDFA #RegularExpressionNFA #EquivalenceOfDFA #RegularLanguage #FiniteAutomata #DFA #NFA #AutomataTheory
Рекомендации по теме

never knew dino james was so good at automata


Sir can I have the previous video (Arden's video)
