Larry Mitchell at Kenny's Castaways With Buddy Miles,Wayne Livingston) NY. 1996 Part 12 Red House

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Larry Mitchell is a spirited and nimble-fingered axe wielder currently based in San Diego, California (U.S.A.) who represents his playing style as instrumental music with emphasis on the guitar, as a music fan can now experience on his most recent recording, "Insatiable". His workhorse guitars include an Ibanez Blazer and an Ibanez A20n. Mitchell has been playing guitar since 1969, and putting it simply, divulges his career objective, "To keep selling my CDs around the world. To be able to tour three of four times a year."
When requested to let slip his favorite or most used effect for the guitar, Mitchell resolutely answered, "Digital or analog delay," and then outlined his musicial goals, "I like my music to move people in some way, tears, smiles, erotic arousal, laughs, just to move people." He maintains a desire to, at some point, study astronomy and the stars, and is at the moment listening to Kings X, DAG, the new Alanis Morrisette CD, Seal and Prince. His principal gratification? "I like it when I get mail from people around the world. When people write that my music has effected them in some way," he explains without hesitation.
Mitchell wraps up by noting long-term and forthcoming endeavors enthusiastically, by saying, "I spend my days writing music here in my home studio and also producing other artists here. I do a lot of drum programming for other people too. Too much time with a computer!"
Guitar Nine visitors have compared the playing style and/or musical approach of Larry Mitchell to guitarists such as Eric Johnson, Joe Satriani, Jimi Hendrix and others.
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