Power of Positive Momentum: How to Start and Keep It Going - Abraham Hicks Rampage

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Abraham Hicks delves into the realm of positive momentum, elucidating the pathways to harnessing and nourishing it in everyday life. Addressing questions from those struggling to find appreciation in their lives, Abraham guides viewers through simple and general thoughts, leading to a cascade of positivity.

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Key Insights:

Video Highlights:
Starting Positive Momentum through General Thoughts (0:10) - Being general helps kickstart positive momentum without activating past negative energies.
Appreciating Basic Life Aspects (0:56) - Emphasizing gratitude for simple things like breathing, bodily functions, and comfort in daily life.
Celebrating Technology and Modern Convenience (1:33) - Acknowledging the ease of living and transportation in the modern era.
Embracing the Vibrational Frequency (11:20) - Abraham empowers listeners to believe in the laws of the universe, choose their emotions first, and revel in the exhilaration of deliberate creation.
Connection with Non-Physical Beings (12:53) - Offering insight into playing and interacting with brilliant minds from different fields, now non-physically focused.
Living Happily Ever After (13:56) - Concluding on a note of eternal happiness and joy, emphasizing that it's there for everyone's choice.

Most Inspiring Quotes:
(0:56) "Could you appreciate the fact that you breathed all night long and you didn't have to think about it?"
(1:28) "It's really worth appreciating for a little bit the roof over your head."
(2:49) "Don't you feel fortunate to live in an environment where everyone you know has transportation?"
(3:19) "Isn't this a wonderful time to be alive? Don't you love being at the peak of technology?"
(11:34) "There's nothing more exhilarating than being a deliberate creator."
(12:21) "Oh, sculpting the energy, creating worlds, and never ceasing doing that."
(12:59) "All those brilliant architects, athletes, artists... are now non-physically focused and available to me in their purest form."
(13:36) "Wonderful momentum parties where our joy will just reach higher and higher and higher."
(14:05) "No reason to experience anything other than happiness ever. It's your choice."
(14:12) "It's there for you. We're all there keeping it going, you see. Nice to know."
Our Recommended Books on the Law of Attraction and Creating Your Own Reality*

The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships by Esther Hicks, Jerry Hicks

Money, and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness

Manifest Your Desires: 365 Ways to Make Your Dreams a Reality by Esther Hicks, Jerry Hicks

The Astonishing Power of Emotions: Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide

The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham

The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent: Living the Art of Allowing

Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires

The Last Law of Attraction Book You'll Ever Need To Read

Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

The Secret

Who is Esther Hicks
Esther Hicks, along with her late husband Jerry, is known for the Abraham-Hicks teachings, a cornerstone of the global Law of Attraction wave. Their work inspired "The Secret" and has led to a shift in consciousness. A New York Times best-selling author, Esther has co-authored eight books and hosted numerous workshops since 1987, continuing to influence personal development and spiritual growth.

Video created by QuantumCreators

All Abraham-Hicks materials, recordings and workshops are copyrighted by Esther Hicks and may not be shared or re-broadcast without her permission.

#AbrahamHicks #PositiveMomentum #LawOfAttraction #LifeAppreciation #ModernLiving #EternalHappiness #DeliberateCreation #UniverseConnection #QuantumCreators

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Join us on this enlightening journey with Abraham Hicks! Your path to positive momentum and ultimate joy starts here. If you found this video inspiring, please give it a thumbs up, share it, and don't forget to subscribe to the channel for more wisdom from Abraham. 🌟


All those people in Maui don’t have a lot of what she mentions, but they said “we are grateful for our life”. It’s really something ❤ love to all


Key insights
😌 The easiest way to start positive momentum is through appreciation, even if it seems like there is nothing worth appreciating in your life.
🌍 Acknowledging the dynamic and abundant nature of the world, including the economy and standard of living, can help cultivate a love for the opportunities and possibilities available to us.
🌟 The power of positive momentum lies in deliberately aligning yourself with thoughts and vibrations that bring you success and joy.
🚀 "Choose the high flying disc and keep choosing it until you have success at it."
😊 When you consistently focus on positive thoughts and emotions, you attract others who are also on a high-flying disc, creating a joyful and supportive environment.
💫 Your momentum and the disc you choose are crucial in determining how you feel and the outcomes you experience in life.
😌 The choice of the disc we focus on determines the experiences and opportunities that gravitate towards us.
🌍 All the brilliant minds of the past, from scientists to artists, are now non-physically focused and available to offer insight and clarity on any subject we choose.


WOW… the title is accurate and this is a segment that does not disappoint for even one second!!!


positive momentum?? Wake up early at 4:32 and listen to Ester's voice


Started my day getting roasted into my natural state by infinite intelligence 😂😂😂 it worked 😂


so our purpose is to be selfish and self centered, a narcissist by definition, and ignore those people in pain. got it! 👍 i guess thats what ive been doing wrong all along. imagine if everyone in this world thought this way? no one would ever felt any urge to help anyone. there wouldnt be any desire nor room to show compassion nor kindness to others. who would be helping maui with their recent tragedy, as well as any other place or human beings in need at all? 🤔 but i guess we must see it as "they mustve deserved it or attracted it somehow" and just let it be, just ignore it as it isnt part of our reality... interesting perspective 🧐🤔
