Your Teacher Lied to You About VARK Learning Styles

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The idea behind learning styles is that everyone has their own preferred method of learning and that by leaning into this preference, you can learn more effectively. This theory sounds reasonable. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, so it would make sense that leaning into your strengths would help you learn more effectively. However, this isn't the case. According to research, there is no empirical evidence that learning styles will help you learn more effectively. So what gives?

00:00 Introduction
00:23 Define Your Goals
01:17 Understand How You’ll Be Graded
03:03 Figure Out Your Priorities
04:04 Optimize Your Studying
05:23 Lean Into Your Strengths


#learningstyles #studystrategies #vark

Disclaimer: Content of this video is my opinion and does not constitute medical advice. The content and associated links provide general information for general educational purposes only. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Kevin Jubbal, M.D. and Med School Insiders LLC will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death. May include affiliate links to Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases made through them (at no extra cost to you).
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This is so true. I think that this is one of the biggest reason of why students get extremely stubborn about learning. In life, your going to need to be flexible and adaptive; you're going to be needing to learn and interpret information in many different ways. You might need to listen to a lecture and draw a graph to present your information, or you might need to read a textbook and write an essay. I see so many people in lower sets in my school say to teachers: "oh I can't learn through a textbook I need a diagram". Furthermore, I think that teachers in high school don't really encourage you to be flexible and adaptive with the way you learn. Like you said in the video they just tell you: "stick to your strengths" they offer multiple ways to learn for students and say: "remember to only stick to the way you feel most comfortable learning" In a sense it is a good think but only to a slight extent, in the long run I don't think it will benefit any students if they are taught to not face their weaknesses and not be taught to be adaptable. Anyway that's enough of my essay haha. Props to anyone who managed to read the whole way through! :D


Growing up in middle school I found out that I was a Visual learner. However, over time I have seen where what you presented in this video is true. You can read about flying an airplane or watch videos about it, but until you get up there and practice take-offs and landings you can't become a proficient pilot. Now I still prefer things presented to me visually, but I do not pigeon hole myself as the only way I learn. Great video.


Reading and writing right here. No matter what form it takes I learn best if I get to write my own notes, even if it’s a word by word copy


In my own experience, I learn best the more deeply I think about the material. And that all depends on how engaged I become with what I'm learning.

I used to think I was an interactive type of learner since I have always scored better in problem solving classes like chemistry and physics compared to something like biology. But in retrospect, it really came down to my professors and how they presented the information.


This has to be my favorite YouTube channel right now


As an educator for several years, I agree with your criticism to some extent. Indeed, one does not have just "one" learning style. However, the VARK modalities can be useful if instructors first clarify the subjectivity of the learning style approach and then stress that learning is often a mixture of various modalities and interactions with information. Everyone is multi-modal, including some modes of learning we haven't yet discovered and/or fully understood. Encouraging students to consider the ways that they learn (ways, not way) and then seek the resources and practices that will help them learn best can only be a good thing.


A grad student just shared this with me and I love it!!


I tutor handwriting (and sometimes other things), and … well … things got “interesting” on the day that a new student asked (actually, ORDERED) that I must never have her look at anything, trace anything, or copy anything because (she said) she was an auditory learner instead, so (she declared’) I “needed” to teach her entirely by talking! Unsurprisingly, she did not book a second lesson (you can imagine how the first lesson went, or, rather, didn’t go). However, since that day, I have had a lot of fun talking about this incident with believers in “learning styles, ” and asking what they would suggest for the next auditory learner who calls and asks me for handwriting lessons.


My son is a MD and is finally finishing his fellowship in 4 weeks. He will tell you that he was able to learn quickly and easily by writing his notes on paper and then reviewing them before bed and in the early morning before class. He felt medical school was harder than his residency and fellowship. However, his wife is who also a MD, felt residency was harder than medical school and fellowship has been a lot easier. To each their own. It has not been an easy marathon, that's for sure!


Please do a so you want to be Haem/Oncologist Sir.


Lmao we just has a noon conference on this topic in the hospital I'm rotating in right now.


Didn't Veritasium already debunked this?


I got a question guys!
I personally learn by first understanding the chapter, then I retain that information with anki, and finally after I have done all the chapters in the topic I do tons of past papers


my dad tells me, that I should memorise learn by writing things down which I disagree with because I use anki

idk, but, should I continue to use what im currently using or do what my dad says saying??


I don’t really agree with this. Neurodivergence has its own category of learning as well. I agree that it’s important to be adaptive but that doesn’t negate the central style that works best for people


Hello, I am Bolivian, I am 17 years old, and I have one year left to graduate from secondary school or high school, I am in that phase of choosing my career definitively, although it is not the most important decision, it is important that you reflect on your identity and where do you want to direct it, I recently saw a video of an English youtuber called justing sung where he explains how to choose a career without being based so much on passion and it turns out that in addition to passion you have to have purpose and personality to choose a career and you achieve that With experience, reflection and evaluation of your values and your convictions, it should be clarified that this youtuber was a doctor but he got a doctorate in education and saw that medicine did not satisfy him too much and that is why he changed it. In these 2 years that have passed, I had inclined to study mathematics since it seemed interesting to me through the dissemination channels and since it was an undervalued career, I identified myself too much but I have not been doing anything else, I have only been a simple spectator and I just didn't dare to try to understand mathematics, I just romanized it, that is, I compared myself a lot with the history of famous mathematicians who lived through difficult times, I think I hate myself if I compared myself with that kind of people; In short, I am telling you this because I have been considering a career in medicine since I was inspired by the medical series by Dr. Miracle and Dr. House, although I know that what you see is not true, they gave me a different perspective on the career and I saw that it was not I have to have an altruistic purpose for it and that this requires exceptional logic in diagnoses and a good memory, that was what made me attract interest, in addition to the fact that a lot of the research videos that I saw on YouTube were related to the sciences of health, such as nutrition, although I do not consider myself an expert, I would say that my approach was more empathetic and stimulating because I did not compare myself with anyone and I was curious since we live in a world of obese people and I was interested in seeing how we come to this. I hope you read my comment, I would like you to recommend me some medical books with which I can start studying and reading since I tell you that most of my time is spent procrastinating watching videos on YouTube and TV and since I am on vacation That will hurt me, the only thing that distracts me is that I am doing my pre-military service, but I would also like you to give me some advice on how to study the career or something that I can also do.
