Germinating Dahlias Grown From Seed #garden #dahlias

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Growing dahlias from seed is fun and exciting because you never know what kind of dahlia you’re going to get. Unlike tubers, dahlia seeds produce a new and unique dahlia plant.

If you’re going to grow dahlias from seed, you want to start them about 4-6 weeks prior to your last frost date. Any sooner and you’ll risk them getting leggy and you’ll have huge plants growing in your home ;) Dahlia seeds don’t have the best germination, I’ve seen anywhere from 20-80% germination rate on seeds. Because of this, it’s best to pre sprout your dahlia seeds before potting them up.

I like to use No.2 Coffee filters. I pull the filter apart and place my seeds inside the filter. I then spray the filter with water and place it in a ziplock bag. This bag goes on top of my fridge in a dark place for about 5 days before I check on it. Dahlia seeds typically sprout within 5-14 days. I’ve had some sprout sooner and some take up to 3 weeks to sprout.

Once they’ve sprouted, I then pot them up and let them grow under my grow lights until it’s time to move them outdoors.

One important lesson I’ve learned is that you want the coffee filter (or paper towel) to be damp but not soaking wet. If it’s too wet, the seeds will rot and they won’t germinate.

If you’ve grown dahlias from seed, how do you germinate your dahlia seeds? Would you try this method?
Рекомендации по теме

Do you cold stratify your seeds while germinating in the coffee filter?


How many days it's germinate from seeds
