Telycam Showcasing NDI 6 Ready Explore SE PTZ Camera and its new innovations for AV Solutions

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Inbroadcast speaks with Zoe Zhang with Telycam about its flagship broadcast-level PTZ camera line, the Explore series. With its focus on design, develop and manufacture advanced PTZ cameras to broadcasters, and ProAV professionals building systems in houses of worship, educational setting, corporates, and government.

In NAB, Telycam is showcasing NDI/IP-based PTZ camera lineup. We have brought a full range of products with different positioning, from broadcast level to ProAV level to entry-level.

Telycam's latest innovation: the Explore SE, now supports NDI high-bandwidth, NDI HX, 12G-SDI, Genlock, etc. And it is ready for the latest NDI 6. Telycam is thrilled to be one the first few companies testing and incorporating NDI 6 into our products. With this integration, Explore SE has NDI-Bridge embedded into the camera itself, which means the camera can join the bridge and connect to its host without additional NDI tools, reducing complexity, cost, and latency, breaking the LAN limitation and ensuring future-proof remote production capabilities.

SONO is embed with 8 microphones featuring noise and echo reduction. It can pick up voices from any angle within 5-meter radius, supporting full-duplex communication. Additionally, it can be linked with multiple SONOs via Bluetooth and Bluetooth Dongle, extending its functionality to larger spaces.


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Рекомендации по теме

The Explorer SE PTZ cam has the potential to be the top PTZ camera. First, I have not seen a camera with 12G SDI output in this price range (all of the PTZ cameras are 3G-SDI, which spec 1080p output).
Sensor seems to be the same, tracking ability seems to be the same.
I have been looking at various PTZ cameras, I think telecam just took the #1 spot.
I would like to see this hooked up to a controller via network switch. Real testing. Why is Telycam not blowing this up on YouTube? I would be making videos on this right now. So many use cases and education here. Huge potential here!


Hi Team Telycam, it was nice to see you again at the NAB show floor. Great job!


Telycam Explore SE = 3 598, 80 € TTC :( :( :(
