MF Doom evicts SELFISH home invader Slenderman from kitchen using FACTS and LOGIC (emotional)
If i saw something like this at like 2am on adult swim, and it was being used to sell albums i would buy one no hesitation
I unironically believe DOOM would've loved this art style and possibly would've even voiced it himself....Mans music made my teens rest in peace king
This is honestly one of my favorite MF DOOM music videos. The music, animation, and lyrics are extremely ahead of its- _wait a minute_
Slenderman going from being an all powerful evil that kidnaps kids to a mildly frustrating home invader that steals food he can’t even eat is the character arc we didn’t know we needed
Seeing a Jerma easter egg in a cool MF DOOM animation is a thing that I didn't expect
0:08 I always see his hoodies drawstrings as tiny arms and I love it
Never in a million years, did I think I'd ever hear a BUTCHY KID skit, about Slender Man, breaking into a house to make food, covered by an A.I. voice of MF DOOM
The fact that “man” isn’t rhymed with “frying pan” strikes a nerve in my body I didn’t know I had
This feels so surreal, it's like an ad or a parody for something so old that we can't deconstruct it on modern times
every frame of MF DOOM is so full of character, really love your style you really are a talented artist
What’s so fascinating about this is that it sounds like something he would actually come up with. The AI did such a good job recreating his voice that it sounds real, but in reality it’s from some other series of videos. Furthermore, the beat from One Beer goes so well with it. And the animation on top of it all. This 49 second clip has so much potential. It’s incredible.
“HOLY SHIT! …It’s the slender man?” Will always get me.
It's an important touch that after ejecting the home invader MF DOOM still rhymes while gather himself and surveying the damage to his priceless kitchenware.
"hey hungry home invader, stop raiding our refrigerator" is such an unironically good line
This looks exactly like a 2000s-2010s adult swim short at 2am
This made me realize how much funnier rather than scary it would be if they gave slenderman eyebrows back then
MF DOOM is most likely watching this cracking his ass off hahah
i like the added detail of DOOM's fridge only having *one beer*
i keep coming back to this; doom's eyes slowly panning over to the hot dogs at 0:09 combined with the bg music cutting out before the drop gets me every time