Do Muslims Believe in Reincarnation? | Dr. Shabir Ally

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A viewer asks, "do #Muslims believe in #reincarnation?" Dr. Shabir Ally shares his answer!

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What about the one who claims to have memory of his previous lives? Even if it counts to 0.1% doesn't it worthy to consider the reincarnation could be real?


To tell you the truth, as a Muslim, Reincarnation is the only thing that has made sense to me. In fact it affirms my beliefs, as a Muslim. "You live only once" and based on this single life alone you will be judged for an eternal life? Does not make sense to me. Not should it make sense to any "Thinking" human being.
Whatif God is bluffing us for our own good. Whatif He doesn't want us to get lazy in the pursuit of perfection by postponing good deeds for the next reincarnated life. Islam does not deny reincarnation anyplace in Quran or Hadeeth. It simply does not mention it, for our own good.


How about Shams Taberizi? A Muslim Sufi who recalled the past 8 human lives and name of each mother in each life?


This is something to think about. What if instead of reincarnation, there are parallel lives? Imagine, our past, present, and future lives are all lived out at the same time. To a human being, from a relative perspective this would look like reincarnation, even though it isn't. One soul living many lives, in many times, all at once.


if this is a question of proof for reincarnation then till today we also have no evidence if there is any hell or any paradise. Question is of faith. No body had seen God but people believe..


There are alot of people even in west who remember their past life ..a research was done and they concluded that there is Rebirth .


Do human remember everything of this life when they get old? So how can you except someone to remember what he did thousands of year back


Dr. Ian Stevenson had researched 2500 past-life children's claims over 40 years, he says: “My conclusion so far is that for the strongest cases reincarnation is the best but not the only explanation. We don't have any perfect case they all have some flaw. So i've never claimed we have anything like a proof of reincarnation, but i do believe that reincarnation should be taken seriously as a possible explanation." For anyone who might be interested in his research can search on Youtube.


I think It's Allah's wish and we don't have anything to guess about it or to suggest yes or no... Allah is the one who decides when he need to reincarnate or not to... Please elders don't give a confirmed answers for these kind of questions because we are not the creator we are just one of his creation...


It has been my experince
That if soul had a past life.
And a person was given the vision of such a experince.
Then it was gods plan to show the past souls exprince.
Like a tutor at school giving releson or refresher clasd to help the ever evolving soul in this lifes experince.

May you all live long and prospher


As a human intelligent creature we should read all the religion scriptures and find the similarities ...that way I think we could find the truth..thinking my religion is true n only reading our book is not correct... Reincarnation or rebirth is clearly mentioned in vedas but in Quran also it is mentioned but the interpretation is little difficult to understand if it is talking about this world or hereafter


Islam is not some insurance policy, Islam is about worshiping Allah, not about selfish motives. Allah knows best, Allah knows what is in you mind, if you truly love Allah or are looking for an insurance policy for self centered reasons.


Shabir is very confused. For example, Muslims say and readily believe Allah literally changed some people into pigs and monkeys, Shabir knows this, and yet somehow none of these things register or count with them. They believe and say things that are reincarnation in all but name. And when Shabir talks about a middle group between heaven and hell, he speaks as if it is a side issue, saying not much is said/known about it, but then claiming that they are an exception to the rule, a small insignificant group. But invariably extremes are far outweighed by the central majority. Common sense would tell you that applies in this case. Shabir says you abide in hell eternally and the bible gives no support to the idea of reincarnation, but Jesus said, ''flesh is flesh and spirit is spirit and as the wind blows and nobody knows where it goes so it is with the spirit'' and this in the context of talking about being born again and expressing his amazement that a teacher of the law did not know these things! Also, Jesus taught that you shall not get out UNTIL you have paid the last penny! How on earth is that NOT alluding to reincarnation and the idea of Karma?

Indeed the Roman Catholic notion of Purgatory is again reincarnation by another name, bar the details. There are Jews that teach it, Buddhism teaches it, Hinduism teaches it, and Jainism teaches it. Plato, Socrates, and Pythagoras taught it. Go to the middle of the Amazon Rain Forest and people believe it. It's even alluded to by Solomon. Even Mohammad could not help himself when he said things like, "I would like to be martyred and then born again and then be martyred and then be born again and then be martyred and then


Reincarnation is REALITY - Islam and christianity will soon have the truth revealed to them along with the whole world.
There will be no doubts and it will happen very soon. The universe is so much more than we know.
All of this is Gods plan.


So if you die as a baby, you have a free card to paradise?


There are people who claim to remember previous lives so I remain open minded about reincarnation. Interestingly enough, I went to see a hypnotherapist once for three so called past life regressions. However, I didn't see into a previous life but the life of an ancestor who was a soldier fighting on the side of the parliamentarian army under Oliver Cromwell! The Theosophists, founded by Helena Blavatsky, believed in reincarnation. One great thinker, the Austrian philosopher and esotericist Rudolf Steiner, was associated with them. He later founded the Anthroposophical Society and there are Steiner schools throughout the world.


Thank you, I was wondering if we Muslims do believe in this. I’m glad to know that we don’t, and thank you for the education❤️


Let me give you the answer. Before resending us on earth the last thing that God does is that He clears our memory otherwise just think of the confusions that will arise in our mind ehen we start remembering all our previous lives and all our previous families. To those who say that b4 the present life we never came in this world i wud like to ask a simple question. Do you believe that God is unfair and doesn't treat all humans equally ? Otherewise why some children are born with severe handicaps, some stay bedridden whole life from birth while some children are born in rich and happy families, enjoy princely life till they die. Some children have to eat food from gutter since very young age and have to sleep under bridges while some are born and live in luxury. If thats not the result of their past karma then do you believe that God is unjust to some ? I have many more answers to your querry but it wud be so so long explaining.


We do have some examples of people who have memories of past life, both in east and west. Psychiatrist like Brian Weiss have treated thousands of people who had memories of their past life and they were struggling. Kindly check his book "Many masters many lives". But nobody can speak about the physical evidence of Judgement day. Still you believe that. Strange thing.


There is evidence and you should do research on shabir ally
