Epidote group tutorial Optical mineralogy

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Several videos of epidote-group minerals in thin section, showing typical textures and optical characteristics. Supported by Boise State University and the US National Science Foundation.
Key characteristics: very high relief, either saturated ("magic marker") interference colors or anomalous blue or gray, can have either parallel (zoisite) or inclined (everything else) extinction.
00:00​ Typical epidote

00:30​ Pleochroic epidote
01:01​ Lemon yellow and light blue interference colors
01:32​ Clinozoisite (gray interference colors)
02:02​ Zoisite (it might be clinozoisite...)
02:33​ Igneous allanite (rare-earth element epidote)
03:03​ Metamorphic allanite
03:33​ Metamorphic allanite
04:04 Piemontite (Mn epidote)
04:35 Epidote with piemontite overgrowths
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Sir, I am astonished that, people are using these video but they don't have the time to praise your work. Scarce resources in Geology makes these videos valuable 👍


hello! your work and your channel is cool, thank you very much for these videos! 🤗 I would like a video of secondary changes in minerals, sericitization, propylitization, saussuritization, chloritization, argilitization.


Thank you for the video on epidote in thin section! I am currently doing undergraduate research regarding epidote in granite/tonalite intrusions in southern CA. Most of the epidote looks like it formed from hydrothermal alteration, but some of the epidote appears to be intergrown with biotite. There are also some euhedral allanite phenocrysts. I also found some epidote that appears yellow in PPL, do you know what this coloration could signify?
