If you use this sound you will get creepy comments..

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"Yes hun?
"Big brother is crying in the bathroom"
"No it cant be ur brother died 2 years ago
"Then whos crying in the bathroom?"
"Lets check...?"
Like here for part 2!!


*True story about this girl* There was once a girl named Olivia she loved to go play in the park. So she went there at night without her mother knowing then she saw a black figure just staring at her then she yelled *HELLO? the black figure came walking to her then she ran but then she was knocked out by a bat. Part 2 soon * I only need 10 likes pls
Part two here


Me: "Hey mom! Close the door!
*Door closes*
Text from Mom: "im at KFC. Do you want anything?"
Me: wait a minute...
5 likes for part 2

Pt 2: *well... Past it*
My mind: *Then who closed the door?*
*sees someone in closet*
"Yeah I'll move out"
*moves to grandma's"
"Hi grandma. Can I stay? (Small Trailer for PT3 below
Why do your house stink grandma?

PT 3 in 200 likes. (Long part)
310 likes for final part (the longest part)
(If I'm late I'm sorry)


~Chapter one~ The flowers.

:Timmy *looks outside* "Mommy look daddy is watering the flowers!" Timmy had said while gazing out the window. Timmy's mom was making pancakes at the time. She dropped the pancake on her spatula when she was transferring it from the pan to plate. She had also dropped her spatula. "how is that possible.." She ran to the window and looked outside. She sees this man outside that looks like her husband (Timmy's Father.) "Run.." She said to Timmy. Timmy didn't hesitate as he ran upstairs into his room. He shut the door and looked at his rocking chair. His father was sitting there with a knife. Timmy screamed. His mother ran upstairs and tried to open the door, but it was jammed.

10 likes for Chap 2?



“Hey dad!”
“Hey how was school Sofia?”
“Good, I made a new friend name Avery”
“Good! Well uh I am gonna leave to the store, see you in a bit!”
“Okay dad!”
- A few hours later -
“Hm..he is sure taking a minute.”
- Doorbell rings -
“Hey I’m home!”
“Phew! I was worried!”
- Gets phone call -
“I am sorry, is this Sofia ??? “
“Yeah? Why?”
“I am sorry to tell you that your dad died from murder.”
“Then who is in my house..-“
- 50 likes for part 2 -
- Part 2 ! -
“ Dinner is ready! “
“ Uh… uh…yeah, coming…let me just finish calling the person!.. “
“ There is a person in my house, can you please come to my house and arrest him?! “
“ The police department is on there way, they will take a while to get there tho, just act normal. “
“ Okay..thanks. “
“ Coming “dad” … “
“ I made some steak! “
“ You make tacos every Tuesday tho… “
“ Well, we uh ran out of ingredients! So I made steak instead. “
“ Okay then… “
- They eat “
“ This steak tastes weird… “
“ Wait a minute… “
- 100 likes for part 3 -
- Part 3 -
Who is this and who are you!?
What do you mean? I am your fa-
No your not.
You made me eat a PERSON, didn’t you?
What are you even talking about?!
You know what your talking about…
-Sigh- Fine, I’m actually Avery…-Takes off disguise-
Well uh…it’s a long story, I..-
- 150 likes for part 4 -
Part 4!
It’s because your dad is actually a kidnapper.
He kidnapped me, you, and others…I wanted to kill
him for that, so I did what I had to do.
I can’t believe he would do that…So am I not his actual kid?!
No, your not…you don’t even look the same!
His wife had brown hair, he had black hair, but you have ginger.
That is true….well what do we do now?!
We can try to help find your actual parents!
That’s impossible!
It’s not! You got this :)
Alright then if you say so…
- Finale at 200 likes ! -
Alrighty here is the finale! Sorry I was at school lol
- A few hours later -
So this is the place?
But it looks so…old?
Well I am pretty positive this is the right area!
Yeah…how did you know all of this by the way?
Well maybe we might be related…-
So your my sister? How did you know.
I mean we do look the same…
True! Let’s just knock.
- Knock -
Hello?- Oh my god.
Hey uh…dad?
Avery you found your sister?!
Oh my god…I am so relieved!
Hey dad!…I still can’t believe that was a kidnapper.
He’s dead tho, so don’t worry!
Wait there is some one behind you Sofia.
There is no one tho?
Nevermind let’s just go!
- They live happily-
- But who was behind her? -
- I think you know, but maybe I will continue this later if I have more time and ideas -
- Have a nice day! -
We’re back after 7 months ladies and gentlemen. Let’s do this.
Finale Part 1.

“ I am lost… and afraid. “ A mutter came from outside the window.
Sofia was boiling pasta for her sister and dad..when she heard the mutter.
“ Do you guys hear that? “
Avery raised an eyebrow and answered.
“ Hear what? I am listening to TikTok right now. “
Sofia sighed “Nevermind…I am almost done with the pasta. “
That’s when her dad came into the room and sat down, ready to eat.
“ Smells good my daughter. “
“ Thanks dad, I am gonna serve it now. “
Sofia served her meal and they all ate happily.
When Sofia went to take out the trash…
“ You are evil. “ Another mutter came.
Sofia flinched and turned around. There was nothing there.
“ This is creepy.. “ Sofia whispered, and RAN to finish the trash quicker.
Sofia went into her bedroom to sleep for the night, when something grabbed her wrist. Hard.
“ AGH! “ She tried to scream…but.

Finale part 2? Get us to 300 likes.
Finale part 2.
“Eh?! Where am I.”
Sofia looked around..in a bedroom?
“This is not my room…”
Sofia sighed, and began to walk around the place, to find…a person?
“Oh greetings!~•
“Eh?! Who are you…”
The person look liked Sofia…but her face was gone?
“I’m Eri!”
“Where is my house?”
Eri laughed
“This is your house silly!”
Sofia widened her eyes in confusion
“It’s not…it can’t.”
“It can indeed! Now sit down, I made food.”
Sofia sighed, she was hungry so she just gave up and sat down
“I’ll be right back darling!”
Eri left the room…
“She can’t know….”
“She just can’t…”
Part 3 finale:
Sofia finished her meal, eventually being escorted to her bedroom.
“I just went to sleep though?-“ Sofia mumbled in confusion.
“I’m sorry.” Eri whispered, a wide grin became visible where her hundreds of bloody teeth showed..

Sofia froze in pure fear, her heart rate raced as she attempted to kick her off..
“NO!” Sofia yelled as Eri’s hand grasped her neck as Sofia screamed bloody murder…
“SOFIA!” A voice yelled
Sofia woke up, launching up from her bed as tears swelled up in her eyes “huh?!”
Avery stroked Sofia’s hair in worry “Are you okay?..”
“Yeah..just- a bad dream.” Sofia answered, wiping her tears away.
“Here..maybe some breakfast will help? Dad made your favorite chocolate chip pancakes.”
“Oh, sure.” Sofia smiled, hopping out of her bed
Her dad waited and waited…tapping his fingers against the counter.
“Rise and shine you two.” The father smiled
“Morning dad.” They both responded, sitting at the table and began eating their breakfast
“I’m going to go get something, I’ll be back.” The dad opened the front door
“Stay safe!” Avery yelled out
“Yeah.” Sofia agreed, her face was stuffed with pancakes
Part 4 of finale!
“TICK..Tock…” the ancient clock chimes as hours sprinted by, Sofia and Avery awaited their fathers return.
“So…what is he grabbing anyways?” Avery pondered deeply
“I- am not sure…he’s been gone for 7 hours…” Sofia responded, her voice stuttered and stammered with her previous nightmare still wide around her memory
“I’m going to find him, he has to be somewhere.” Avery zipped up her winter coat as she glanced at the blizzard forming outside the warm house
“I’ll come too.” Sofia agreed, repeating the same process.


The alarming silence spreaded across the vehicle, not a radio, not music, not a conversation peeked.
Finally, Sofia asked…”Why does dad often leave us alone? Doesn’t he remember what happened a while ago?”
Avery’s eyes darted off the road, “Something is clearly going on with him, I’m not sure wha-“
“AVERY! CRAP!! LOOK AHEAD!” Sofia CRIED in panic
Avery’s eye widened, her leg slammed onto the brake as a girl with hundreds of
Bloody teeth was ahead…grinning

The last part of the finale at 400 likes!


"Can I play with my friend"
"What friend"
"My friend outside with 6 arms"
20 likes for part 2


Part 2 <3
Demon walks over*
The demon gets close enough, and stabs the mother through her stomach*
Demon stares at her*
Runs away very quickly, and accidently ends up to be lost in the woods*
"Oh no."
"Is anyone out there?"

(Thanks for 57 likes on part 1, you all made me rlly happy!! <3)
Part 3 is out and please read the message, I'd love if you would read it


Timmy: I hear a sound
Mom:from where
Mom : let’s check it out
(Goes up the stairs)
Timmy:its getting louder
👇100 likes for chapter 2


Mark: let’s play, hide and seek
Mom: okay
Mark: you count, mom
Mom: found you, I win
Mark: no there is the other person
Mom: wait, what?
Mom: sees him

Part 2 at 1096 likes


"Hey mom can i go play with jimmy"
"But sweety jimmy died 3 years ago"
"But who was with me at the park then"
"Oh no"


"Mom when is sis coming back?"
"Honey she died 5 years ago"
"Then who was I talking to last night?"
At ten likes part 2!


TITLE:black figure

So there was a girl named Emily Emily loved to go to the pool but one time as she went there she saw a black figure she ran home and she went to sleep and she woke up in a cage

Still here waiting for pt 2?

1 like for pt 2!


Part 1
Edit: if you wanna see the other parts of the story just click messages and find all parts.“Hey dad!”
“I’m super exited for Halloween!”
“Yes son, but we need to cancel Halloween for this year”
“Halloween is my favorite Halloween though!”
“I know son but just listen to me if you hear a doorbell do not answer it or look outside close all windows and go to the basement”
“Do as I say!”
“Dad your creeping me out!”
“I said do as I say… QUICK!”
50 likes for part 2


"Yes honey"
"Can I play with my sister"
"Honey your sister died 5 years ago"
"Then whos at the table"
"Run Fast!"
20 likes for part 2


"Yes honey? "
"Can i play with my friends? "
"But ur friends died like 5 years ago"
"Then who's on the window? "
Like here for part 2!


If you have already made a story before


“Yes sweetie”
“How come big brother gets to play outside”
“Sweetie he died 6 years ago..”
Like here for part 2 how about 20 likes?


"Mommy mommy can me and brother play outside?" "Honey your brother died when he was born" "then whose in my room"
R U N 200 likes for part 2
Part2 "Mommy why are we running"that guy is" "is who mommy"he's a killer" "and he is going to"killer:*Stabs mom" "MOM" "HONEY R U N*mom:dies"
"NO MOM" daughter: *Runs* *gets to police station*
daughter:H E L P
250 likes for part 3


Jon: mom? Can I go play with kev?
Mom: he got killed 3 years ago!
Jon: then who is at the door?
Mom: run to the basement NOW!
Jon:* Runs to basement*

100 like for pt two


Tim, John and a creature.

Tim and John were wandering in the forest and they heard a strange noise coming from behind them, they looked behind but found nothing. Suddenly a black creature stood behind and grabbed Tim’s body. “Hey Timmy what was that noise? Timmy? Timmy!?” John said.

He noticed that Tim was completely gone from him and John was scared. He found a trail of ketchup (you know) behind him. He shivered and shivered. Soon after, John was gone, and a search team started looking for both of them.

1 like for part 2?!? Remind me.

I liked my own comment and yea.

The parents of Tim and John were scared that they got lost in the forest and the search team was terrified.

Suddenly, one by one of the search team was disappearing leaving ketchup (you know) everywhere. The last one, Jack, was scared. He wondered where the others went. But soon something grabbed him from behind…

3 likes for part 3
