GeoSoft Lesson 5 - Introduction to Conda and Miniconda

Показать описание
Check conda version: conda info
Update conda to the current version: conda update -n base conda
List all conda environments: conda env list
Create a new environment named ENVNAME with the latest Python version: conda create -n ENVNAME python
Create a new environment named ENVNAME with the a specific Python version: conda create -n ENVNAME python=3.8
Activate a name Conda environment: conda activate ENVNAME
Deactivate the current Conda environment: conda deactivate
List all package and version in the active environment: conda list
Delete an entire environment: conda remove -n ENVNAME --all
Install package from conda-forge: conda install PKGNAME -c conda-forge
Install package by exact version number: conda install PKGNAME==3.1.4 -c conda-forge
Remove a package from an environment: conda uninstall PKGNAME -n ENVNAME
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you very much for the video Professor Wu.
