🎵Bang! Snap! The T-Rex and Spino are fighting once again! | T-rex VS Spinosaurus | DebariTV

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★ "T-rex VS Spinosaurus" Lyrics

Known as the ‘spined lizard,
the Spinosaurus boasts large
spiny sails like the Dimetrodon
Its sails, which can reach up to 2 meters tall
help in temperature regulation!
With a sleek body and strong legs
this dino is quick to hunt its prey
It has a long snout like a crocodile and razor-sharp teeth!
Introducing the Spinosaurus!
Let’s get ready to ruuuuumbllllllleeee!

The T-Rex and Spino are fighting once again
Bang, bang! Snap, snap! Fighting once again
The T-Rex and Spino are fighting tooth and nail
Roar! Roar! Fighting tooth and nail

When the T-Rex roars with its very sharp teeth
The Spino juts its spiny sails
When the giant sails quiver their spines
The T-Rex rushes, fight or flight

The T-Rex and Spino are fighting once again
Bang, bang! Snap, snap! Fighting once again
The T-Rex and Spino are fighting tooth and nail
Roar! Roar! Fighting tooth and nail

Their roaring thunder is heard all around
The nearby dinos flee from the sound
The T-Rex rushes to bite by the neck
The Spino dodges and tail whips back

Now they both have gotten in a hit
They run from each other, to fight another day
And now they’re fighting once again

The Spino and T-Rex have ended their fight
Bang, bang! Roar! Running for tonight
They each show off that they are the best
The king of dinos, the king of the rest!

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