The 3 Key Ingredients To Build Your Thriving Wellness Business

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Whether you're just starting out in your business or you've been working in it for over a year, make sure that you have covered off these 3 things BEFORE you do the 'fun' things like building a website or starting a podcast.

1) Choose your niche and your ideal client & get to know their challenges and desires
2) Start attracting clients and build the awareness that you exist
3) Get crystal clear on what you’re selling via your signature program

By focussing on these key areas you will have set up some of the key foundational elements so that the marketing and sales activities you do are intentional and more effective.


"Would you like to know how you can book more of your ideal soul clients in your wellness business with intentionality, easefulness & soul?



Hey, I'm Claire! I'm a holistic business mentor and coach for wellness coaches and entrepreneurs who are passionate about creating & building their sustainable and abundant business of impact. You will find frequent videos here on business tips and strategy, marketing and mindset, with the odd bit of energy and spiritual guidance to bring in the soul.
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