Genesis (Abstract Short Film)

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Made entirely from the ground up in just 3 days, this is "GENESIS," a story of how evil penetrates innocence told through fish. As the evil grows, it becomes pure black-- taking its final form as beauty. And then it all comes crashing to pieces.

Each and every shot is there for a reason and everything has some meaning to it. Enjoy trying to take it apart and interpret it differently!

Written, Directed, and Edited by Ben Escobar
Director of Photography Ben Escobar
Produced by Joseph Venegas
1st and 2nd AC: Kolbe Boudreaux and Edmund Fay
Grips/Gaffers: Austin Matte, Edmund Fay, Joseph Venegas, Ben Escobar
Featuring the hands and feet of: Ben Escobar, Austin Matte, Edmund Fay, Joseph Venegas

Featuring the song, "Ave Maria D.839" by Franz Schubert and the choir of Trinity College, Cambridge.

No animal was harmed in the making of this film.
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Thank you all for your love and enthusiasm over this film. A year and a half later since the release of this film, I am proud to announce "EXODUS, " the sequel to this film is being released later tonight! Be on the look out for it. Fans of the original will not be disappointed!


okay so here is my personal perspective toward the short film,
the scenes were really beautiful, a very clear context of CONTRAST and COMPARE was used, one of the initial scenes where the protagonist ( in such part we cannot say who the protagonist is, is it really protagonist or a mere human like others in the unidentified world ) steps into water, with other gold fishes, the scene moves the viewers eye, that are the human and fishes in same water or just onto different planes of perspective combine together to stimulate artistic vision and multidimensional approach of human thinking .

the another scene where i started getting intuition of what is it about was the point when the person fills up the bowl ( changes the water ) and places a Buddha statue symbolizing peace and calmness, the next day the person fills the bath tub with red ink or granules showing us how depression is taking a good chance in our life, still the person changes the water, showing how a Depressive parent or partner tries to bring good to his/her home and children while themselves suffering from psychological problems .

As the water is dyed in black and at the back the black light is flashing again and again indicating that depression has took over the person mind and in the end even after feeding the goldfishes, he intentionally pushes the bowl so that the FISHES DIE before him, as he is showcased here as a lone being,

the fishes must not die of hunger or lack of ATTENTION and CARE as he is dying daily cause of them ( symbolism abstract), i also like the contrast of using AVE MARIE as b/g sound and the visuals are more of haunting in common language .


Oh wow such a phenomenal concept! Even though at first sight everything is ruined (the pure become impure) at the end the viewer realizes that destruction is a unique form of creation. Nature always finds a way to shed light on Beauty. Ugliness is just a temporary process of change for real beauty and magnificence to shine once again. Everything is temporary. Through constant change comes evolution and evolution is life. Phenomenal artwork congratulations!!!!


That was very cool and thought provoking. Love the different colors in the water. fishes got corrupted. 💀


Camera work is phenomenal. At the film school I study, we have to do a "cine puro" ("pure cinema" in english, roughly translated) as a tribute to the beginnings of film. Your work is outstanding and totally works as a cine puro! No need to rely on language and it work just as well without the music! Fantastic job!


I don't get it at ALL but it's kind of interesting.


It's enchanting, the motional transitions are just on point. It's weird how less attention it has got tbh.


You can change your surroundings as much as you want but it will always be the same fish bowl. You gotta get out the fish bowl. Sometimes some scars are left behind.


Absolutely beautiful cinematography... I'm gonna be thinking about what different parts of it could mean for a while now haha!


From a composer's point of view, your choice of music is very appropriate and supports your images.


I like the way you force audience to keep disengaging with the content(or story) itself, but to evoke our emotion and feeling by screen play. Extraordinary !


Damn so was this song like a siren’s song? I kinda thought the song that was playing could be related to the mermaid/siren statue at the end because you see it among the broken pieces of the fish bowl; the bowl could be representing a ship if you know about the story about sirens. For an overall meaning? No clue but it was interesting to watch! 🙏


WOW camerawork is phenomenal and the editing... just speechless


Love the movement of the water and colours.


Analizando el significado del mismo (debo dejar en claro de que no creo que haya un significado correcto o incorrecto para esta obra) puedo entender como los peces representan los sueños y esperanzas que tiene uno. Por eso al ser engendrados como tal en la bañera hay tanta luz y están siendo tan bien cuidados por el individuo; incluso, se los pone en una pecera con Buda, figura que nos habla de una plenitud espiritual y personal. La sangre representa una herida, ¿Pero en quién? Imágenes después descubriremos que es en la persona al mostrar sus manos ensangrentadas. Posteriormente hace las labores que anteriormente hacia en su plenitud perfecta, sin embargo, se nota cierta agresividad y enojo. Esto se ve reflejado en los colores que son ahora utilizados, siendo el rojo el mas presente. Luego vemos como una figura de un tiburón, un animal que describiríamos como agresivo, es metido dentro de la pecera junto a los peces; el individuo, agitado, se sienta detrás de ellos sin mirar hacia la pecera, como si hubiera hecho algo terrible. De pronto, la luz se oscurece y se vuelve inestable, teniendo cierto tono negro en pantalla. Ya no es sangre lo que cae, sino oscuridad. Pero sigue llenando de agua la pecera, como si quisiera que algo siguiera con vida. Vemos como los peces son metidos en esta ahora oscura pecera junto a una sirena con una sonrisa lóbrega; luego, la bañera (que representa la vida de la persona), se llena de oscuridad. Finalmente, y de manera trágica, la pecera junto con sus peces es arrojada al suelo por el mismo individuo que los cuidó. Los peces mueren, así como muere el sueño de la persona y su vida, por su propia mano.

Analyzing the meaning of it (I must make it clear that I do not think there is a correct or incorrect meaning for this work) I can understand how the fish represent the dreams and hopes that one has. For this reason, being generated as such in the bathtub there is so much light and they are being so well cared for by the individual; They are even put in a fishbowl with Buddha, a figure that speaks of a spiritual and personal fulfillment. Blood represents a wound, but in whom? Images later we will discover that it is in the person when showing their bloody hands. Later, he does the tasks that he previously did in their perfect fullness, however, there is a certain aggressiveness and anger. This is reflected in the colors that are now used, red being the most present. Then we see how a figure of a shark, an animal that we would describe as aggressive, is put inside the fish tank along with the fish; the agitated individual sits behind them without looking into the tank, as if he had done something terrible. Suddenly, the light darkens and becomes unstable, having a certain black hue on the screen. It is no longer blood that falls, but darkness. But he continues to fill the tank with water, as if he wanted something to stay alive. We see how the fish are put in this now dark tank with a mermaid with a gloomy smile; then the bathtub (which represents the life of the person), is filled with darkness. Finally, and in a tragic way, the fish tank along with its fish is thrown to the ground by the same individual who took care of them. Fish die, just as a person's dream and life die, by their own hand.


beautiful cinematography, beautifully shown how we affect our surroundings by what's going on in our minds.
Great job!


Wow, what a beautiful thought. I watched this film and it really brought on some emotions that I didn't know I had. It was truthful.


Beautiful cinematography. The concept... Jarring and Poetic.


Que loco tu video.
Me encantó!
La representación de la pecera, la sangre, los movimientos. La escaleta, la dirección, el guión técnico, wow fenomenál!

Me ha encantado!


So this is what it's like to have a hemorrhoid explode while taking a shower. I always wondered what that would look like and now I have an idea. What a very strange video. One of the weirdest that I've seen in a while. I think the director or creators do some very potent mind altering substances to achieve such an outside-the-box art like we see here today. Good job i guess!
