Ask Dr. Yo: should I just ignore and push through my chronic dizziness symptoms to recover?

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Somatic tracking:

00:00 Intro
01:09 Two reasons why ignoring is a bad idea
04:25 Ignoring your threat response system doesn’t work
06:00 Ignoring usually means avoidance
07:17 Better options for how to react involve mindful response and outcome independence

DISCLAIMER: Please note that Yonit Arthur, The Steady Coach and any of our other guests are not acting as an audiologist nor offering audiology or medical services services or advice on any public videos or on any other content. This channel provides wellness education and personal opinion only, and are not meant to be a substitute for medical or mental health instruction or intervention. Use any tools discussed at your own risk.
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I named my dizzy spells Sarah, Mitchell and Debbie and I invite them to have a drink or a dance because otherwise I ended up in a full panic attack 😢😅😂


It's honestly so tempting to ignore the dizziness when it's been going on for some time and no one seems to believe you because tests show you should be fine.
For me the worst of it was always the brain fog. The dizziness comes and goes (mostly comes), but the brain fog is nearly constant. In the last few weeks, however, I've started seeing a decent therapist and watching your videos, and I've noticed I have less trouble remembering things. I'm still annoyingly forgetful and spaced-out, but where before it'd take me hours to remember what I'd meant to buy or where I'd meant to go, now it often takes me only a few minutes. It's so small an improvement I'm not sure it's significant, but it's there. I recently watched a young woman's video in which she talked about her experience with PPPD and she said that for her, she didn't notice a change day after day, but eventually months later she noticed she was symptoms-free and couldn't remember the last time she hadn't been. Is that your experience too? Can improvement be so gradual it almost seems nonexistent from one week to the next?

In any case, thank you so much for doing this. This last year and a half has been so lonely for me, and in large part because no one seemed to believe that I'm struggling, since there's no visible evidence of it. Finding your channel has been a relief and for the first time in a long while I feel a little less hopeless.


I just adore you! Like an Angel on earth. Your videos have helped me so much Dr. Yo. So much healing and so many tears. Thank you for helping me push my soul, mind (brain) and system to move forward. It’s been 1 1/2 years and I’m finally stepping out of the danger mode trap. Xo
I have So much Gratitude for you and all the people who shared their stories. Unbelievable helpful and connective. 🙏🏽☺️
Tearing as I write this (grateful tears)


This is why CBT is so critical for recovery.
Thank you for this.


Just found your channel, I have already dived into PPPD so not everything is new but still your content is a great source, many thanks! <3


Your chanell is a blessing. As a chronic dizzy person for 1 year, i feel understood 🙏🏻


Thankyou beautiful Dr Yo. Great video. Missing everyone in the community but just need to get through a few things before returning. I'm doing ok, still 24/7 but managing ok until the VM hits. Twice a month now and can very much differentiate between baseline and them now. You've helped so much get me to this point. I'm even flying home to see my Dad for Christmas. Will involve a lot of travelling but Im feeling this is another step in my recovery journey I need to take. Take care and I'll be back soon in the community with some updates of the puppies as well ❤


You have beautiful blue eyes Dr. love your channel ! ❤


sometimes I can push through the dizziness, and sometimes I can’t I’ve been so stress,


Why is my body making me dizzy at perceived threats? How would making me dizzy help me in a threatening situation?


Dr. Weekes speaks through you😆👏👏👏 Very helpful video. Thank you.


Absolutely brilliant
❤️❤️🙏. Thank you for this refreshing… refresher course.
This the way out.. and back into our life with wholeness and wellness, body.. mind.. soul.
Please… keep repeating yourself, 😊
I like it. ❤


Thank you . Such valuable information. Hope is spreading through your channel.


You're an absolute legend imo. Thank you so much for the videos! I'm going to focus on doing more breathwork - like Wim Hof. Scary at first, but do feel some benefits from it x


Since I haven't found help ....I have overcome the anxiety when I felt nonspinning off balance and the off balance....and have continued to live life and work with my neck stiffness and off balance that comes and goes


Hi Dr. Yo ! I've been watching the videos for a while now. This was a great question, I was wondering about it myself I thought "What if I just try to ignore this ?". I had a question, if you can't answer it I understand but here goes. I've developed my issue soon after my son passed. After reading a lot, I feel that the grief and trauma initiated this although I was stressed before this happened.
I began to trip over nothing, then it progressed quickly to feeling like walking on ice when I was on a slippery floor like tile or even concrete. I only felt safe on grass or carpet. Something that I called traction positive. I can walk ok with an assistive device even if it's a grocery shopping cart. Here's the question. If I am in an open space, I begin to get panic attacks and I lock up and freeze in place. My body wants to lower itself to keep from falling. I have to have something to hold onto like a person to get across where I am going. I can remember being at work when the very first panic attack happened, I think that might have been the very beginning. I know you can't diagnose but this panic attack thing, I can't find anything about it. I'm fine in confined spaces. I have a neuro consult pending scheduling . Just wondering if you knew about this. If you spoke about this in a video, I'm sorry. Thank you


You are truly awesome. I needed this today and here you are. I thank you for what you do. Better than any therapist I've been to. Thank you again


You’re so amazing 🙏🏼♥️ your videos help tremendously!!!


I can relate to everything you talk about in your videos doctor and im so grateful to hear your comforting words. Your videos on chronic dizziness have provided some relief just listening to you talk about that there is hope for these symptoms to disappear. Ive been suffering with chronic dizziness for over two years with no hope for recovering after seeing several doctors in my area. Im wondering if my symptoms are cervicogenic, PPPD or because i need to fill my prescription for eye glasses, plus im also going to need cataract surgery. I have too many stressors in my life and my brain is exhausted with this chronic dizziness 24/7. I will be very grateful for any input you can provide. God bless.


I kind of see it as an aware ignorace. Like i still try to push through my bad days "ignoring" my dizziness and other symptoms but at the same time reassure myself that it will pass and its just a bad day and im actually safe beacuse its so easy to instantly think "i new it sometimes really wrong with me" the second i think that the symptoms get worse too. So breath deep and carry on. ❤
