Start seeds with me (Germination Troubleshooting) | VLOG

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Hey ya'll, I'm Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm

Welcome to a place that feels like home. A small farm with a big family. We hope you'll pull up a chair, grab some coffee and visit awhile.

There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that is exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we've learned along the way. Welcome to our journey, friend. I am so glad you're here.


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- To drop us a line:
PO Box 4239
Leesville SC 29070


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This content is NOT boring. It is lovely. Thank you. Keep filming the common things.


Because of you, I find myself excitingly saying Happy Birthday to each seedlings as they just appear above the surface of the soil😊


🌺I reuse my single use plastic markers for my plants year after year… I collect them in the fall from the garden, swish them in a jar of isopropyl alcohol, and the permanent marker slides right off… Maybe takes an extra second to clean off, but totally worth it! My greenhouse collapsed this winter under the weight of a crazy snowfall… so Thank you for letting us spend some time in your greenhouse🥰♥️♥️


That bathtub would look fantastic in the garden with white alyssum in it as it would look like a bubble bath! Be sure and post a night time shot of the chandelier in the greenhouse!


This is NOT boring content. My husband is deployed and I’ve been binge watching your channel from the moment you first showed us your epic tree. Much like Madeline, I’ve found myself smiling at the good and frowning at the bad in your vlogs. Being separated from my better half, across the country from my friends and family, I am so thankful to have the ability to sit back a feel as if I have a friend in the room during this season. Like you, my soul is happy in the repetitive tasks and watching it unfold provides me with a sense of peace. After watching much of your content, I am so proud to say that I found my “sparkle” again (8 months postpartum plus a 4-nager) and began making what you call quiet moments for myself. Amercing myself in a novel, or finally finishing a crochet project (there are many 1/2 finished)…thank you for sharing your triumphs and failures, and thank you for virtually holding my hand whist I find myself again listening to all that powerful talkin! ❤


Farm tip. Wear farm shoes to the car and carry the nice shoes with you. Put them on when you get where you’re going, and then put the farm shoes back on when you get back in the car to come home!


My mother always cut up yogurt containers into little markers and that has worked really well for me!


If you'd opened with your peaceful process of making tea or coffee again & then moved onto your peaceful potting, we'd all be in nirvana! ❤️🌱🤗☺️ (hint..hint...plans for your next video! 😉🤔💕)


Thank you! I love your “boring” content. 😊❤🙏🌹🥰


My daughter and I made basil tea last year with the dark purple opal basil and it did the same thing! It was a beautiful greenish blue (almost teal color) to begin with, but when the lemon juice was added, it turned a bright pink!! We called it Unicorn Tea and made it many, many times!!! ❤💜


This is not boring but very calming. There are always new people and this may be new information to them and is very helpful. Thanks so much.


Jess, I've said this every year, for 5 years now, this isn't boring content. Someone's learning for the first time. And for people like me, who are still in winter, it's something to look forward to! Because I know my growing season is almost here!


This is not boring. We are sharing a seed planting time. How can that ever be boring. And yes. Peaceful.


It is SO lovely to hear Daniel's music in the background again. ❤️👨🏼‍🌾


This is so not boring. I’m in NW Arkansas. Rogers/Bentonville area. Last year was my first real successful garden and it was due to your encouragement. Everything I planted took off! I previously lived in Bella. It’s deep in the woods. Just too much shade. Please keep them coming! I appreciate every one of them and learn. Thank you for sharing


Jess, you can never make a boring video! Love watching what you do and listening to you 🌱🌱


🤭Greenville, Sc here. I might have tomato plants that are already 3” tall. I guess I’ll have to repot. Lol
P. S. Soil blocking is the bomb for anyone with limited space. I got the grow ease trays this year too. Game changer!


I love slow content like this <3 Thank you for sharing


Jess, I'm so grateful for the simplicity of your teaching and encouragement to us new gardeners  💕 thank you.

Yesterday and older woman told me to soak every single seed for the garden in black tea with a cap of bourbon and ammonia and peroxide.

Immediately  I felt overwhelm and said to myself, "No way it has to be that complicated... seeds want to grow.. there's got to be an easier way"

And then your video popped up
HalleluYah 🙌
Thank you, Jess 💕


So not boring! I’m eagerly waiting for warm weather here in Michigan. We have another 3-5 inches of snow coming today. And your greenhouse is the prettiest I’ve ever seen! Prettier than anything that could be bought!! I just love it!
