Getting started with web accessibility with Ashlee Boyer

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Accessibility is a big topic that can seem hard to get into because there is so much to learn! Being far from an accessibility expert myself, but doing my best to learn more about it, I interviewed Ashlee Boyer to talk about what accessibility is, why it matters, and how we can get started with it without feeling overwhelmed.

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⌚ Timestamps
00:00 - Introduction
01:10 - Introduction to Ashlee
03:52 - What does "improve accessibility" mean?
05:32 - The four categories of disabilities
07:18 - Visual disabilities
09:14 - The importance of semantic HTML
10:49 - Auditory disabilities
13:35 - Motor disabilities
16:08 - Cognitive disabilities
20:37 - ARIA roles
24:17 - You don't have to learn it all at once
28:30 - Dark mode



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Рекомендации по теме

As a legally blind web developer I thank you for this video and would love to see more content on web accessibility. Thank you.


I love when experts like this are down to earth and chill. Nice gem of an interview here. Thanks for sharing with us non-twitch casuals!


Thank you! The ARIA Authoring Practices Guide is so, so, so helpful. I've been looking everywhere for something that clearly explains how to set up regions and when to use aria-labelledby. Everything I found up to this point would explain what it was and how to implement it in code but didn't explain the practical aspect very well.
This is very informative.


Maybe a series of component specific ARIA stuff? Like What ARIA you need for an accordion?


Thank you so much for this interview! I'm currently studying about web accessibility and is encouraging to listen to people who actually working on it


Kevin you are a very good interviewer, you know when to speak and when to listen, thank you for this I really enjoyed it and it will be my "go to" video when I get to my accessibility phase.


Yes! Please espeically about the HTML Semantics and how to use them correctly! I love your channel and courses and have learned so much thank you!!


Hey Kevin, I'd just like to say thankyou for your content. I'm a backend/PHP dev, and your vids have helped me understand the modern front end much better. HTML and CSS have changed a lot since I learned them originally.


wish there was a longer video, talking about all aria attributes, going over them one by one
and tricks you can do with them


How come this video doesn't have more views?

Share this as much as you can. It is gold for all level developers. Thanks for the great content.


Great talk, I learned a lot.
I definitely want to see more on this, specially the traps and the absolute don'ts


I really learnt many things here. Thankyou so much Kevin for arranging call with Ashlee. So thankful to Ashlee for explaining each part of view in accessibility. I am working on this role to support Blind peoples. I found this content is worth for my knowledge in order to understand the blind peoples need.


I was seriously waiting for this.
I cant watch the video now, but i am saving it right now and i will check it tonight :) (Great friday plan).

Thanks Kevin!
I'm slowly assigning you the place of "best CSS youtuber". Your videos help me a lot. (And you also speak very clear, this is really helpful for non-english native speakers).


Thanks for putting this out! I had been vaguely intimidated by the idea of accessibility and this made me feel a lot more empowered to build for accessibly!


Haven't seen the video yet, but the quality is always top notch ! Learned a lot from you, thanks for everything, keep it up !


Hi Kevin. Thank you for sharing this interview with us. I'm new at web design and I want to do it right from the start. Having my pages as accessible as possible is one of my goals. Just started experimenting with ARIA. I try to keep in mind that no ARIA is better than bad ARIA. 😎


Awesome session Kevin... Accessibility is an important part of the web development. We have to take care of all our users while building a website or a web app. Ashlee elucidated very nicely and easy, hope we can see more sessions on web accessibility. 👍🏾


Thank you so much. That's what I was expecting in this channel.


That was brilliant! I m glad you have brought this subject to your channel, Kevin! And yes, please, bring more content like that and mainly practical stuff!! <3


I learned a lot in this short video! Thank you
