PHP MYSQL, MYSQLi and PDO Connectivity

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In this video I will explain you about MySql, MySqli and PDO connectivity with PHP. Also I will show you how to execute basic Sql queries in PHP with the help of MySql, MySqli and PDO connectivity.
#PHP #PHPDatabase
I am a Digital Marketer by passion and a Developer by profession. With experience and expertise spanning around 10 years, in the Digital space.
Good amount of experience in development of web applications using PHP, .Net, JavaScript Library’s, Frameworks, CMS, API’s, Reporting tools and Payment Gateways. Skilled in digital viral marketing, technology innovation's, brand building and all phases of the Web development lifecycle with an expert in translating business requirements into technical solutions and fanatical about quality, usability, security, and scalability. Dealing with and resolving problems and issues which arise.
#PHP #PHPDatabase
I am a Digital Marketer by passion and a Developer by profession. With experience and expertise spanning around 10 years, in the Digital space.
Good amount of experience in development of web applications using PHP, .Net, JavaScript Library’s, Frameworks, CMS, API’s, Reporting tools and Payment Gateways. Skilled in digital viral marketing, technology innovation's, brand building and all phases of the Web development lifecycle with an expert in translating business requirements into technical solutions and fanatical about quality, usability, security, and scalability. Dealing with and resolving problems and issues which arise.
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