[Documentary A] Setting the New Normal - Part1. New Normal Society

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Ep.24 Setting the New Normal - Part1. New Normal Society

COVID-19, a pandemic no one could have predicted.
Due to the invasion of the virus, individuals' health and security have been affected, our social system has been threatened, and our economy has swiveled depending on the spread of the virus.

However, the pandemic hasn't ended just yet. Experts predict that a new pandemic can break out any time even after COVID-19. Now the world must prepare for a world beyond the shock cast upon by COVID-19--an era of the "New Normal." How are the three experts leading the evolution of our world foreseeing the upcoming era of the "New Normal"?

In our first episode, we introduce the perspective of Dr. Sam Richards, a sociologist at Pennsylvania State University and the speaker for the third most viewed lecture on TED (as of 2011).
What is the New Normal era foreseen by Sam Richards, a professor who has shocked the world with his refreshing and groundbreaking perspectives?How will our society, stained with hate and exclusion, change in the future?
We aim to predict how members of our society, still stalling from the shock of COVID-19, must prepare in response to the era of the New-Normal.

전세계 누구도 예상하지 못했던 코비드19 팬데믹.
바이러스의 침투로 인해 개개인의 건강과 안전은 물론 우리 사회 시스템이 위협받았고 경제는 바이러스의 확산세에 따라 급격하게 변했다.

그러나 팬데믹은 아직 끝나지 않았다. 그리고 전문가들은 코비드19 이후에도 또다른 팬데믹이 얼마든지 발생할 수 있다고 전망한다. 이제 세계는 코비드19가 던진 충격 그 이후의 세상, ‘뉴 노멀 시대’를 대비해야 할 때이다. 우리 시대의 변화를 이끌어 나가는 3인의 석학들은 다가올 뉴 노멀 시대를 어떻게 예상하고 있을까.

제1편에서는 펜실베이니아 주립대학의 사회학자이자 미국의 강연회 TED에서 역대 3번째로 많은 시청률을 기록한 ‘샘 리처즈’의 의견을 소개한다.
생각의 틀을 깬 발상으로 우리 사회에 신선한 충격을 전해 준 샘 리처즈가 본 뉴노멀 시대. 혐오와 배척으로 얼룩진 우리 사회는 앞으로 어떻게 변할 것인가?
코비드19 충격으로 멈춰버린 우리 사회 구성원들은 어떤 자세로 뉴노멀 시대를 대비해야 하는지 샘 리처즈의 시선으로 예측해 본다.

#New_Normal #COVID19 #Dr_Sam_Richards
#뉴노멀_시대 #코비드19 #샘_리처즈
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Rize against this new normal.
Dont let it happen.


This is an appaling prospect - how can anyone actually want this sort of future? Rage, rage against it.


This guy had a wonderful childhood, and has forgotten how wonderful it was. Children are not developing social skills siting behind a computer. Kids should be around kids of similar age, try things and make mistakes, play around and not sit at home in a teams meeting at 8h00. And the masks... will have the effect that a larger portion will be to scared to ... and since the developed countries already have a lower reproduction rate and all that for a flu that was named COVID.


"We need to have strong goverments, who have the power to step in and make descisions on behalf of everbody and force people to do the things they really need to do".

And who exactly can be trusted with that task? No human is capable of wielding that kind of power. History is littered with examples of this.

Captain America couldn't have said it better: "Goverments are run by people with agendas, and agendas change.... We may not be perfect, but the safest hands are still our own"


This sounds more like a commercial rather than a critique.


At 15:50, just how do they test the social isolation? What exactly do you want the results to show?


Covid 19 WAS EXPECTED. Watch event 201


I spend most of time in "recording", "gameplaying" and uploading I need all my brother and sister support🙏🙏🙏😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


In my opinion Sam doesn't incorporate AI in his future view on the world... he says: wearing a mask is something everybody has to get used to... my question; what is his view on a rfid-body chip? if the madia is telling us that the situation in the world is dire and if governments around the world are telling that a chip is mandatory... do we also need to get used to a chip?


Why is this guy saying we don’t know where the virus started or where it came from, it came from a lab in China, operated by the Communist party for ‘gain of function’ investigative science. Whether it escaped accidentally or intentionally is debatable. This does not reflect on Chinese citizens and is nothing to do about sowing the seeds of distrust, it’s just a fact and facts don’t care about your feelings. This guy suggesting bigger and more authoritarian government to force citizens to do what is best for them is typical of totalitarianism down the road.


Someone paid a lot for this load of propaganda


I spend most of time in "recording", "gameplaying" and uploading I need all my brother and sister support🙏🙏🙏😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
