Nightcore - Get Up

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Hello! I really like this band so I couldn't resist doing another of their songs x3 I hope you all enjoy the nightcore ^-^

Song : Get Up - All Good Things
Universe : Pixiv Fantasia

And don't forget to check out All Good Things :3


I don't own anything in the video, including the audio and picture. The credits go to the respective owners. This video is purely fan-made, and will not be used for profit or illegal sharing.

Fair Use:

"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
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The name of the charecter in the picture is tian ling, it’s no a anime or a game. Is only a design for pixiv fantasy, the artist is bai yemeng ( QYS3 )


This doesn't sound like nightcore, this sounds like an actual singer! I'm so impressed by the editing.


The soldier looked up at the sky from where he lay in a pile of the corpses of his brothers and friends. It was really quite pleasant. It was a bright, sunny day–sun shining down over the mountain peaks–and the pain faded slowly to be replaced with an eery warmth.

He became aware of an odd quiet that had fallen over the pass. The sounds of battle, the clangor of weapons, had been replaced only by the odd cry from one of the wounded and the fluttering of carrion birds.

'Did we win?' he thought. 'No... impossible. We were so outnumbered.'

The soldier fought free of the dull stupor that his encroaching death had afforded him. His sword lay next to him, or that of a shield-brother's. He couldn't tell anymore.

He grasped the weapon with numb fingers, and used it to prop himself up on his knees. The pain was returning now, a final twist of the knife from the grim reaper that seemed to say 'stay down'.

The soldier stood, despite the arrow through his abdomen and long cut through his arm, despite the blow that had dented his helmet and nearly caved in his skull, despite the countless bruises from when he had been grappled and thrown to the ground amidst his comrades.

Despite this he stood, and his colored tabard was the only hint of red before an oncoming sea of blue.

There was no fighting because the enemy had already won. The soldier turned, and saw that the few dozen of his shield-brothers who remained were kneeling, having already surrendered.

He couldn't blame them. Hundreds of enemy tribesmen stood before them, how could they possibly stand a chance of winning? Better surrender, and stand a chance of saving your own skin.

But they had forgotten the reason for this last, desperate stand, or chosen to ignore it when faced with this inevitable outcome.

The soldier looked further down the mountain pass, at the snaking line of bodies meandering down the slopes. The women, children and enfeebled of their people. Those whose escape they'd been trying to secure.

They civilians hadn't gotten far enough. Without anyone to slow the enemy down, they would rush down the pass and slaughter anyone left of their people.

'No, ' the soldier thought. 'I will not let that happen. I will not go back on my word.'

He was no military mastermind. He had no family among those trying to escape–what brothers he had died in this battle. He was only one man. He would inevitably die, if not in battle then of his injuries.

The enemy lines advanced towards him, and a nearby tribesman took notice of him. He stepped out of his loose formation, strutting over to the soldier. He extended his long spear to poke him onto his back.

The soldier lashed out with his wounded arm, sudden strength welling up in his muscles. He grabbed the spear and pulled the tribesman off balance, into his own waiting blade.

The sword slid through the man's throat and out the other side, blood gushing over the soldier's forearm to add to his own. He put a foot to the tribesman's chest and pushed him off the sword, letting him drop.

The enemy couldn't ignore him now. Three of the surrounding tribesmen let out chilling howls, rushing towards the soldier. They were sheer, unbridled rage, enacting violence without a second thought. But that was also their weakness. They didn't think before they acted.

The soldier stuck his sword in the ground. He now had a spear, using his wounded arm to maneuver the back of it, avoiding stressing the injured muscle.

The first tribesman rushed at him. He simply stepped out of the way of the charging warrior, and hit him in the back of the head with the butt of his spear to send him sprawling.

He made a series of quick jabs with the spear to keep the other two at bay. He feinted a stumble, giving the tribesmen a deliberate opening to attack him. One of them moved in, and the soldier was ready, poking him through the throat as he had the first.

The last of the three looked more hesitant. He kept his round shield over his torso, only peeking over the rim. The soldier hooked the man's foot with the spear head and pitched him onto his back. From there, like killing an upended turtle, it was easy to finish him by sticking the spear up his armpit and into his heart.

When he looked up, a small formation of a dozen enemies had surrounded him, spears and swords raised in his direction.

"You're finally taking me seriously, huh?" the soldier said, smiling through the pain.

He made himself a promise, in addition to the one he had made the people of his once great nation to protect the pass at all costs.

He promised that he wouldn't let the grim reaper take him today. Today, he would be the reaper.

The soldier checked the pouch on his side, brought out a small flask. It had contained liquid fire of the type that could be ignited, then thrown, but this one had cracked during his fall and spilled its contents over his leg.

He would need to find another, and quick. As the tribesmen closed in on him, he scrambled to the side of one of his dead shield-brothers.

He grinned as he found not one, but two flasks.

He lit the soaked cloth end of the first flask with flint and tinder, and used the burning end of that to light the other.

He lobbed them at the tribesmen surrounding them. Five of them were engulfed in all-consuming flame, clawing at their own clothes and skin in vain attempts to put out the fire.

The tribesmen were bred for war, but they were not heartless. A few of them turned to help their dying compatriots.

The soldier tried to lift his bloodied spear, but found his injured arm cramping up, hanging useless at his side. He had pushed himself too far.

Not far enough.

He discarded the spear and drew the sword out of the ground.

He heard the sounds of many footsteps behind him. He glanced back, and saw a rippling line of red moving towards him. Twenty something of his own shield-brothers who had already surrendered, now returning to the fight.

"Finally found your manhoods, eh?" the soldier called out. In his heart, he was glad.

The once-routed soldiers overwhelmed the small group and finished them off with quick, efficient movements. They would need all the strength they could get.

They put up a sloppy shield wall, as tight as they could given their time constraint, and the wounded soldier once more found himself among comrades.

The tribesmen broke themselves against that wall time and time again. They peppered it with arrows, but the thick wood of their shields absorbed all but a few strays.

There was no way for them to accept defeat any longer, nowhere for them to run, so the only option left was to fight like demons. And they did. The dead tribesmen piled up before them–a hundred, then two hundred–forming morbid slopes as an additional obstacle for the enemy, and even as their numbers dwindled they stood firm.

Down to the last, wounded soldier, they stood firm. And when the day was done, and the tribesmen celebrated their bitter victory over the corpses of the red-swathed soldiers, there were no civilians left in the pass.

The wounded soldier had kept both his promises. He had not let the grim reaper take him. He had gone out on his own terms, and even when he died his fingers refused to unfurl from his weapon.


If they stand behind you, give them protection.
If they stand beside you, give them respect.
If they stand against you, show no mercy.


when you listen to this so you will feel motivated to get out of the


At the beginning I thought my headset wasn't plugged in properly xD after like 10 seconds the song is amazing tho :p


ui, thats indeed a cool band and an nice song^^ I wont get up tho, Im too lazy XD


In War, Victory.
In Peace, Vigilance.
In Death, Sacrifice


I listen to this at the gym. Thanks for making this! 👍


The artist, the one who made the image is amazing. Totally go check out the rest of their work.


Finally after years I have found this again holly lord. I have spent to many nights trying to re find this


Blankets in arms,
are you ready to awake?
Fluff on the bed,
and pillows in your hands.
Take another breath,
make another try,
You think your gonna fall,
you think your gonna cry.
Get off the bed.
Listen to yourself.
Wispering your name,
Just dont do it that loud (This isnt a part of the song but it says that because others are sleeping.)
I know you think you can't,
I know you think your done,
but we cant stop until wer'e up.
You are alone,
You are afraid,
This always happens every sunday.
So attempt again,
and find your feet.
We will not be late for church again.


Lmao I'm reading this like two years later again and the grammar is pure triggering me, I'm not even gonna mention the cringe I felt when I saw the words 'if u enjoyed plz leave a like bye'. I decided I'd just edit it to save me some embarrassment haunting me in my sleep at night seeing as I always want to burn the tree supplying oxygen when I see comments begging for likes, I will pretend I never saw my past comment and act as if this comment is brand new.


Verry good man! I liked it after the first 5 seconds! :D WELL DONE


I think imma put this as my alarm clock


Oh my god! One of my favorite all good things songs just became so much awesomer!


I was lying on the floor close to crying coz I found out my crush might like this other girl- I was about to put on some depressing nightcore or whatever coz I’m a sado like that and this song was the first thing I saw when I went on YouTube- it spoke to me so much. Thank you hardworld !! 💞


This is my favourite song and the one to intrest me in Nightcore songs. I would just like to say, I do not and will never regret this fact. This is, to me, the best song ever.


That moment when your running from your siblings and you fall


Brothers in arms
Are you ready for the stand
Blood on the ground

And mud on your hands
Take another breath
Make another try
You think you're gonna break
You think you're gonna die
Get off the dirt
Listen to the crowd
Screamin' your name
Screamin' it loud
I know you think you can't
I know you think you're done
But we can't stop
Until we've won

You're not alone
We're not afraid
This is our moment

It won't come again

So lean on me

And find your feet
We will not accept defeat

Get up
When your body's screaming out
Get up
And your hope is fading now
Get up
And the lights are dimming down
Get up
And your strength is waning
Raise your eyes
Tell your mind
To lift yourself
One more time

Gotta get up
Get up
Get up
Get up
Get up
Get up
The battle soon begins

You've come this far to win
Source the power within
Unleash it all again
Returning to the fight

Victory inside
The crowd will soon ignite
So light up the night
Get up

Get up
Get up

Get up
You're hands are weak

They're barely hanging on
But your body still wants more
Where in your eyes
Your mind sharp as knives
You're built to carry on
This battle will be won
Get up

When your body's screaming out
Get up
And your hope is fading now
Get up
And the lights are dimming down

Get up
And your strength is waning
Raise your eyes
One more time
Gotta get up
Get up
Get up
Get up
Get up
Get up
When your body's screaming out
Get up
And your hope is fading now
Get up
And the lights are dimming down
Get up
And your strength is waning
Raise your eyes
One more time
Gotta get up
Get up
Get up


I love this version! It helps with my battle sence in my book
