Washington Pest Watch - New Invasive Insects on the Horizon
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Yearly economic impact of invasive species in the United State is estimated at $133.6 billion. In a time of world trade and global movement of people and products, hitchhiking pests are becoming more and more common. There is an estimated 32% risk that a wood-boring insect more damaging than the Emerald Ash Borer will be introduced into the U.S. in the next ten years. This presentation will cover those that are a great concern to the Pacific Northwest. We will discuss biology, identification, rapid response and management options for these new pests and visit the status of established pests. Green industry professionals and garden enthusiasts are key in helping agencies detect exotic pests early. In fact, in Washington State alone, of the seventy insect pests found one-third of those have been detected by educated private citizens. Modes for reporting new pests will be shared.