How The Law Of Attraction REALLY WORKS! (Achieve Anything You Want) | Rob Dial

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This is the video that changed everything for me almost a year ago. There are not words for how grateful I am! 🙏🏽🙌🏽♥️✨♾️


I'm from Nigeria 🇳🇬, I have this dream and passion of becoming a celebrity fashion designer, I've been working so far on my passion, before something went wrong so I decided to ghost everyone for 6months and work on myself, to be very honest this is the best video that explain everything about the law of attraction that I've watched so far, and putting into practice, I will design clothes for top American celebrities in future lil baby, central cee😇 and so on, let's see in future because I will come back to your channel in few months time as a celebrity designer ✍


1. Meditate daily
2. Think positively
3. Exercise (your brain and body)!
And it's absolutely true that you become what you think!!
You need to nurture your inner-self and for that you would need to hurdle and hustle!
Just drill it in your head "There's no such things like negative vibes!(there will be only if you believe they do exist).Everything's what you believe!"
Just meditate and try learning to keep your mind empty!! No thoughts for an hour or two daily! Use your conscious and subconscious only when required!!


The law of attraction doesn't require you to necessarily send yourself out there on a mission to look out for that big thing that you really want, ie, the perfect person, the big money etc. You need not necessarily know where and how you will find that thing. Its the infinite intelligence of the universe, through your subconscious mind that will receive the impulses from your mind and work on them to bring your desire/thoughts into reality. All you need to do is to know what you really want, believe to your core that you will get it, and infinite intelligence will direct you to wherever the thing is. Don't direct yourself. Trust the power within you, it will definitely attract to you whatever is deep in your thoughts


I remember learning about “vibes” in science class in high school. Our teacher said our body chemistries make us attracted or unattracted to certain people. So it makes sense on an energetic level!


The Bible puts it this way: "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is He". Proverbs 23:7


Be careful what you set your heart upon! For it surely shall be yours.


I grew up being taught things like, “there’s no such thing as luck”, “there’s always going to be someone better than you”, and “you’re always going to be around people who don’t like you”. I’m finally starting to rewrite these programs.


I have been studying the power of the subconscious mind since 2014 and went from 4k to 50k a month and I have been teaching my friends how to manifest it as well but only until the student is ready the shift can happen.
It really work.
Thank you for the way how you explained, I love it, You got a new subscriber, God Bless you 🙏.


What I got from the book was it you imagine yourself having or being whatever it is you wish and then slowly you will find that your actions in life any choices you make will be choices that lead you closer to whatever you have been manifesting. It is about positive thinking and letting the vibes out into the universe to return but it is also about acting as if you have your manifestation.


Everything is energy and energy is everything. Our thoughts create our reality.


I'm getting ready to turn 46. I've recently realized that this is very true. I was telling someone as recently as a week ago thoughts are powerful


Law of attraction towards others around you is very powerful when u tap into it. I've always had that gift to feel what others around me are feeling. It's called an Empath. I've who can feel what others are feeling. I can rest sometime in 3 minutes and determine what's there main goal is what their intentions are morals are. Then I chose to stay and be friends or go and stay strangers. We all vibrate at all speeds always and they give off energy no matter what it is. Just like her mentioned in the video. Very good video and I'm here to tell you that I agree with this man's explanation. He knows what he's talking about. Namaste and keep everyone in your prayers and thoughts and make sure that no one person in this world isn't loved., We all deserve love from one another on a daily basis. That's too many people out in this world that don't feel loved anymore or ever have. That's not acceptable at the fuck all. Please be nice to that stranger the next time that you are at the grocery store and be a little more nice to that homeless person in the street struggling on an hourly basis. You have no idea why they are homeless and do you shouldn't judge at all ever. If you do then karma will continuously punish you every time until you can start loving everyone equally. LIVE WILL CONQUER ALL IN JESUS NAME I PRAY THAT EVERYONE IN THIS PLANET WILL LOVE ONE ANOTHER THE WAY WE NEED TO BE LOVED BY EACH OTHER. PLEASE DON'T THINK YOU ARE BETTER THAN THE NEXT PERSON BECAUSE YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY NOT. YOU JUST HAVE DIFFERENT VIEWS AND OPINIONS. SO DIFFERENT NOT LESS THAN... SO REMEMBER TO SMOKE AND SAY HELLO TO YOUR NEIGHBOR OR STRANGER AND THEN TRY ME HOW YOU FEEL AFTER YOU DO THIS


I love this especially what you said about money and school. Money is not bad and school is not the solution to everybody's problem


You said you read every comment. I hope so!
I want you to know that your really good at this. I listen on Spotify every single day. Your changing everything... actually I am changing everything because you have cared enough to teach me how. Thank you. 😊


In other words ... ' If you want something Enough, it will come into yr. Life ... be careful what you wish for ...


Manifesting that my YouTube channel will grow this year! I claim it!


I'm 60y old. I came to all this things on my own, before I looked to these LOA videos. We easily accept skeptical thoughts, because they comfort us in our laziness. Also make us feel good about ourselves, like we "smart, we are able to predict outcomes of our actions." So our subconscious says, " I stay away from problems because you " know better". That how our subconscious lullabys us into acceptance of our state, what ever we are .


Changing the perception of our view of the world involves a deep geological dig into ourself. It involves mindfulness. Action is part of attr(action). Your inner world attracts what you feel inside.

You are all an incredible light in this world, shine and glow by feeding your soul fire. In turn your glow will attract others.


I am the worst at listening but for the first time i am self aware and understand why i attract what i am and reject something that could potentially change my life
