ASIS Europe 2018 - From Risk to Resilience

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Securing today’s connected enterprise is a race across many different terrains where we are often unsure or unaware of what lies ahead and who or where our opponents really are.

As boundaries continue to erode between the physical and cyber worlds, between high and low-tech risks, between the human workforce and artificial intelligence, and as the valuation of digital compared to physical assets undergoes radical shifts, ASIS Europe 2018 tackles the most challenging issues.

Cyber-physical threats in hyper-complex, connected environments are the core themes of the event.

ASIS, as a global community of security practitioners tasked with the protection of assets – people, property, and information – is uniquely positioned to deal with enterprise-wide risks.

If you are responsible for keeping organisations secure, sustainable and resilient, join us in Rotterdam on 18-20 April 2018.
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