Using HACKED BLOCKS in Scratch

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Hi Smart Minds,
In this video I will be showing you some HACKED BLOCKS in SCRATCH !!!

Check out the project with all the hacked blocks !

To use them in them in the online editor , you backpack the needed blocks and then use it. In the offline editor you can export the sprite with the hacked blocks , import the sprite to your project and use the blocks needed and delete that sprite.

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For the list read/delete random and last they do work on scratch without hacking. Your just need to paste a string letter for letter into the text box, this can lead to many cool secrets like color effect being set to infinity for greyscale and pitch being set to -infinity for stoping a soundtrack(useful for an easy pause button).


If you name a costume “previous costume” then delete it, it will go to a previous costume


In scratch 2 there were blocks for detecting backspace, shift, ctrl ETC.
Rip scratch 2 i miss you :(


The change pen shade was actually in scratch 2.0 and it was removed for some reason. This basically made every color picker tutorial in scratch 2.0 useless.


Fun Fact: Scratch 4.0 exists, but it is in early testing. Its called "Scratch Labs"
Edit: its official


You can create a "previous costume" block by creating a run without screen refresh block named you-know-what, being defined by a next costume block in a repeat block, where the number is the amount of costumes of selected sprite, takeaway 1. And you forgot about *_THE WHEEL_* at 1:33. And at 4:42, for selecting a random, use "pick random 1 to length of list". Last selection would be "length of list" block, obviously.


Hey, in 4:32, I wanted to have that block but I cannot find it from the project that has the hacked blocks, where did you found it?


Thanks!!! That pen shade block was exactly what I needed for my paint project.


This is awesome. Btw, what video editing software are you using? The effects are so cool :O


A great way to use extra keys in key pressed blocks is by typing the key into a join block, then dropping it into a key pressed block. You can't do that with a when key pressed block, because you can't drop blocks into it, or can you? You can't, but if you load the makey makey extension, there is another when key lressed hat block, which does have an input that you can drop a join block into, giving you the ability to use extra keys in a hat block. That's not the only good use for the makey makey extension though, you can drop a join block into the keys pressed in order block, and create your own key pattern. Just seperate each key name with a space, and arrow keys don't have the word arrow (they're just up, down, left, and right).


How to get MORE secret blocks:
1. goto turbowarp
2. goto addons and enable 'extra key options' and goto sensing
3. find the 'key pressed' block, click on it and scroll down. You will see secret key options like = ' ; # and more!
These blocks also work in normal scratch btw.


4:30 you can actually get it by copying and pasting
Or just use a “join” block, griffpatch also used it in one of his projects


For each of these blocks there is a way to make them without needing mods or hacks, or recreate them at least, using their intended functionality
Switch costume to (previous costume) ~ Switch costume to ((Costume Number) - (1))
*Can't loop over from 1 to the last costume
When (?!) key pressed ~ When (Join(?!)()) key pressed
*Doesn't work with named keys, i.e. Enter, Backspace, Shift...
When this sprite touches (Mouse Pointer) = (When (Timer) > (-0.1)) -> (If (Touching (Mouse Pointer)))
While (Input) = Repeat Until (Not(Input))
For each (Input) in (Number) was displayed in the video at 3:00
Counter was displayed in the video at 3:10
Set pen color to (Hex) = Set pen color to (Join (Hex)())
*Same with other Hex code variants
Join (Color)(Color) would be annoying to write down, I might edit this later to include it
Start sound (Typeable) is the only block I can't seem to find anything for
Delete (random) of (list) = Delete (Pick random (1) (Length of (List)) of list
Delete (last) of list = Delete (Length of (List)) of list
Define (Block) (Author) (Description) = Define (Block) Add Comment
Red Block ~ Define (Block) Run without screen refresh -> Forever (Create clone of (Myself)) -> When I start as a clone (Defined Block)
I might edit this tomorrow or something


4:42 you can just put the "length of list" block inside and it will always be the last one


Most of these can be recreated in vanilla Scratch or have a block that does the same thing
"switch costume to previous one" = [switch costume to ((costume number) - 1)]
direction wheel = just type the direction
"key (symbol) pressed" = <key (join (symbol) ())>*
"when this sprite touches mouse pointer" = [when green flag clicked] or [when I receive _ ] if <touching mouse pointer>
"while _ " = repeat until <not _>
"for every i in _" = repeat _
"counter" "clear counter" "increment counter" = variable, [set variable to 0], [change variable by 1]
hex codes = (join (hex code) ())
"start sound (typed)" = (join (sound) ())
"random of list" = (pick random 1 to (length of list))
"last of list" = (item (length of list) of list)
() = nothing, _ = any
*shift key doesn't work, it treats it as the S key. backspace doesn't work and gets treated as the B key
you can also put most of these into a "my block" and get the same effect


The while block is actually the opposite of the repeat until block. Repeat until repeats until the value is true, but the while block repeats until the value is false, aka while the value is true.


Actually "while" is just "until <not <>>", it is not the "if" block in a loop. For the delete/read last item of block, you could just put a length of inside the delete/read block.


4:36 you can just use the 'length of list' reporter block


I also kind of wish there was a <> block that says “receiving message So we could repeat an action until we get a message or something like that.


I like using turbowarp, because they have a function that ALLOWS YOU TO BUILD YOUR OWN BLOCKS O_O the projects made in turbowarp that have custom blocks unfortunately usually cannot be uploaded to scratch though
