Hellzapoppin' in full color | Colorized with DeOldify

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The Lindy Hop scene in Hellzapoppin' (1941).
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Video source:
Hellzapoppin' - rephrased, in 1080p by Andy Lewis

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Slim Gaillard - piano, guitar
Slam Stewart - bass
Rex Stewart - cornet
Elmer Fane - clarinet
Jap Jones - trombone
Cee Pee Johnson - drums

There were different names on the initially published video. New credits updated to closed captions.

This video is colorized with DeOldify. Karri Rasinmäki from our team processed Andy Lewis edit of Helzzapoppin' through the colorization tool.

DeOldify is an open-source, Deep Learning based project to colorize and restore old images and film footage. DeOldify uses AI neural networks trained with thousands of reference pictures.

Swing dancing in Helsinki
Black Pepper Swing

#DeOldify #Hellzapoppin #FrankieManning
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My wife’s Grandmother is one of the women dancing in this video ( one of the maids). Today’s is my wife’s birthday!!! And this just popped up on my YouTube feed out of nowhere! She has the video but NEVER saw it color. This is an amazing gift to see her cry out of Joy! This actually is the first and probably the last time I will post a comment on YouTube.


Olympians: "we're the best athletes in the world."

Lindy Hoppers: "hold my beer..."


I hear this was done in one take. The strength and stamina is something else.


This was done in real time, no sped up camera tricks. These kids went HARD!


That moment when you realize your grandparents are much cooler than you are.


Everybody's talking about these dancers and completely overlooked how this band that is full of musical geniuses is swinging like nobody's business! OMG!


2:55 her hat comes off and without missing a beat while landing a flip she catches it and basically adds it to her sequence and makes it look natural. Incredible.


Surely the most outrageous, pumpin', dancin', stompin' extravaganza of a musical moment ever.


The amount of trust in a dance partner needed to do this is just unbelievable!!!


You almost want to think this footage is sped up until you see that little piece of fabric float to the ground and you get that moment of realization that this is truly a performance to remember. We need more musicals with big dance numbers. It would really cheer audiences up.


I am black ...so Regardless of 2020 ...and all those Ashamed of the past ...Not me ...this fills me with so much pride!! And i am grateful for these great black people.


I love how there are moments in this that blur the line between dance and just extremely controlled martial arts lol


The athleticism in this dance sequence is OFF THE CHAIN!


I am absolutely mesmerised left breathless by the sheer talent and energy of this group!
I've lost track of the number of laws of physics that have either been broken or rewritten by these dance masters.
Meanwhile, Sir Isaac Newton is somewhere scratching his head saying "Y'know, I was so sure I had the law of gravity all worked out".


When the first pair of swing dancers start (2:50), you can see the womans hair tie falling out... She lands a flip and it goes into the air, she flawlessly catches it, shortly uses it as a prop for her dance then tosses it. Amazing improvisation and reflexes.


Hellzapoppin was one of my favorite movies as a rchild and this clip reminds me why. I watched so many musicals I thought it was normal for people to spontaneously break out in song and dance . I am still singing and dancing and highly reccommend it.


I remember watching this on Saturday Afternoon at the movies when I was a girl. My mom told me that "The black folks never got their due". I just wanted to be one of the dancers and did not understand what she meant until I was older. They style, class and tempo of these actors far surpasses anything found today. I wish I could personally thank them.


Some of these dancers made a resurgence in the 1980s and 90s when the Swing craze came back into fashion. Frankie Manning was a legend. I met him a few times in the 2000s. He was in his 90s and still out there dancing up a storm with the ladies. He wasn't tossing them around like in this video😄but he still had moves. This clip may be the best exhibition of authentic Swing Dance/Lindy Hopping ever committed to film.


Two things. That man is having more fun playing the drums than I've had on christmas and that swing dance has the best pro wrestling I've seen since the attitude era.


This sequence and the Nicholas Brothers routine in Stormy Weather, are the most physical dance performances committed to film.
