Light in Babylon - Kipur

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Light in Babylon Video clip for the song "Kipur" from the amazing Cappadocia .

Lyrics: Solomon ibn Gabirol ( Sepharad the 11th-Century )
Composition: Michal Elia Kamal, Julien Demarque, Metehan Çiftçi

Vocal: Michal Elia Kamal
Guitar: Julien Demarque
Santur: Metehan Ciftci
Percussion: Stuart Dickson
Bass Guitar: Jack Butler

ShootingTeam: Esra Pozan, Abdullah Çetin
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Kipur Lyrics translation * more translations and lyrics find on our website:
Original name : "Shachar Avakshecha" (At the dawn), a poem by Ibn Gabirol, Spain the 11th Century

At the dawn I seek Thee,
Rock and refuge tried,
In due service speak Thee
Morn and eventide.

‘Neath Thy greatness shrinking,
Stand I sore afraid,
All my secret thinking
Bare before Thee laid.

Little to Thy glory
Heart or tongue can do;
Small remains the story,
Add we spirit too.

Yet since man’s praise ringing
May seem good to Thee,
I will praise Thee singing
While Thy breath’s in me.


Isn't it funny how sometimes even when you don't understand the words the song can still be very beautiful for your mind.


למה זה כשאני מקשיב למוזיקה שלך, יחד עם הקול שלך; אני יכול להרגיש את נוכחותו של אלוהים. איזה יופי השגת? הלוואי וידעתי את שמך הלב שלי נרפא עוד קצת בכל פעם שאני שומע אותך שר בעברית. כמה שנים בזבזתי בהתגעגעות לכישרון שלך? יותר מדי מכדי לשאת. לעולם אל תפסיק לעשות את מה שאתה אוהב, וכמו פרח תורמוס; היופי שלך יהיה נצחי. כמו המוזיקה שלך!❤


Here is a simple translation that sticks close to the original Hebrew:

At dawn I will seek you,
my rock and my refuge,
I will prepare before you,
my morning and evening prayers.

Before Your greatness,
I stand and tremble,
For Your eyes can see
all of the thoughts of my heart.

What can the heart and tongue do,
and what is my strength,
the spirit within me?

May the song of humanity be pleasant to you,
and I will praise you as long as my Godly soul is within me.


Please don't stop making music 🙏 This band is amazing, you guys deserve to be known


Absolutely beautiful photography, and I've said it before, and I'll say it again. She is Hebrew and lives and sings in Istanbul. She is building bridges, not walls, between the two cultures. I live in California and had grown up in New York. I am so proud of this girl on the other side of the world.


Maybe ten years ago I saw you in Istanbul's streets singing a song with your beautiful performance. At that time I was so influenced by your performance. Yesterday when I receive from my friend's WhatsApp one of your videos... I said that was you. It is impossible to forget your Incredible voice incredible performance even after ten years.


Me: A Black woman from Brooklyn.
This song touches my soul.


I am from America. Texas, at the present moment. Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio where I was brought up with many different types of people. From Arabic, to Greek, Italian, Jewish, Turkish, Polish, German, etc. My Mother was also a professional bellydancer and taught bellydance as well. I was exposed to many different genre's and types of music at a young age, thankfully. I have a very strong affinity for Middle Eastern music, Persian, and Indian music. It is all very spiritual to me. I thoroughly love the sounds of all the instruments from these areas, as well as the very intricate beats and rhythms. I don't listen to American music very much at all. I don't consider very much of it to be music. And it doesn't touch my spirit at all. When I first heard this song, my eyes started to tear up and my throat started quivering. I had no idea what she was saying. That is the very special beauty that music has. All people can connect through music. It has no boundaries. This woman sings with such passion, I had to find out what she was singing about. I now know, and may they all be blessed and continue to bringing tears to my eyes as well as the rest of the world. This, is what this world desperately needs!!! I love you all, for we are all human beings, and all brother's and sisters!!!


When videos like this reach 1 billion views, I'll know Earth has become a pleasant, loving, blissful place to live in. This band should be getting the highest awards in music. This woman is easily one of the top singers alive.


Tıpkı Babil gibi her kültürden her milletten bir emare bir parça var sanatçıda, çok tuhaf


I stumbled upon this voice by accident. It is rare to hear someone really sing these days with all the electronics. To use the word Special is the understatement of the year.


That voice is haunting. I can't stop listening to this.


This song is how I constantly re center myself in this mad world.


hebrew Jewish piuyt, translate for english:
I ask for you early in morning, my mightness lord. I will Make my prayers day and night. in Stand front of your mightness fright, because you will know all my heart feeling. What is the power of my heart language ?, and what is the power of my spirit inside my ? Here is the best for you is humanity singing, and for this I will thankful that my spirit stil singing inside me.
Writed by shlomo Ben gabirol 1021-1058 spain,
Peace and love from Israel.


Her voice takes me back further than this lifetime of mine...Somewhere ancient, free of the structures around me, but it exists right here right now at the same time...


Какой голос! И какие песни! Для меня это открытие. Дай Бог здоровья и долгих лет этой талантливой девушке. Я в восторге!


Good GOD she is talented and utterly *gorgeous*


I'm not religious, but when I listen to *beautiful* Michal I know she's God's Power on Earth!


Şafak Vakti 🇹🇷🇹🇷

Şafak vakti seni arıyorum,
Kayam ve sığınağım,
Hizmetin için hazırlanacağım
Sabah ve akşam.

Yüceliğinin yanında küçülüyorum,
Derin bir korkuyla duruyorum,
Tüm gizli düşüncelerim
Senin karşında çırılçıplak.

Ne kalp, ne de dil pek bir şey
katamaz senin haşmetine,
Hikayemiz de küçüktür,
Ama ruhumuzu katarız.

Yine de insanın övgülerini duymak
hoşuna gidebileceği için,
Nefesin içimde olduğu sürece
Şarkı söyleyerek sana şükredeceğim ...

Bu şarkıya yeni rastladığım için çok üzüldüm nasılda kalbe hitap ediyor üstelikte bu derinlikteki manaya sahip hemde güzel ülkemde çekilmiş
Ahh insanoğlu çoğumuz Aynı yaratıcı ya inanıp ibadet ediyoruz da birbirimizi sığdırmıyoruz 3 - 5 gün yaşayacağımız dünyayı ne çok önemsiyoruz ... YAHU ÖLÜM VAR !
Yunus Emre der "sevelim, sevilelim"
