Marijuana use during pregnancy: Is it safe?

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In this video we dive into the facts and myths about marijuana use during pregnancy. Research to date does not support the use of marijuana during pregnancy, despite its effectiveness in providing relief for pregnancy symptoms.

This video is provided for general and educational information only. Please consult your health care provider for Information about your health.

This video was made by McMaster students Priyanka Lamba, Makenzie Lamb, and Purviben Mahida in collaboration with the McMaster Demystifying Medicine Program


Copyright McMaster University 2020


Briscoe, J., & Casarett, D. (2018). Medical Marijuana Use in Older Adults. Journal of the
American Geriatrics Society, 66(5), 859-863. doi:10.1111/jgs.15346

Gunn, J. K., Rosales, C. B., Center, K. E., Nuñez, A., Gibson, S. J., Christ, C., & Ehiri, J. E. (2016). Prenatal exposure to cannabis and maternal and child health outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open, 6(4). doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009986

Katrina, M., Gryczynski, J., Axenfeld, E., Schwartz, R.P., Terplan, M. (2017). “Pregnant Womenʼs Current and Intended Cannabis Use in Relation to Their Views Toward Legalization and Knowledge of Potential Harm.” Journal of Addiction Medicine 11(3):211–16. doi: 10.1097/ADM.0000000000000299.

National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2019, December). Marijuana DrugFacts. Retrieved from

Parmar, J. R., Forrest, B. D., & Freeman, R. A. (2016). Medical marijuana patient counseling

Premium Jane. (2019, September 27). Hemp vs. Marijuana: What Is the Difference? Retrieved

Singh, M. (2019, July 23). Medical VS Recreational Cannabis: Blog: Apollo. Retrieved from

Рекомендации по теме

Just had a healthy baby girl. 6lbs 11 Oz. 19 inches long.

No epidural and a natural birth. Doctors said my wife is a unicorn. Thing wife smoked heavily almost the entire pregnancy. Went in at 6pm and the baby was born at 743am. The actual pushing only lasted like 20 min.

Baby ate within the first hour and ate 5 times by 3pm. Had a bowel movement at 330pm.

No issues whatsoever. She is so precious and doesn't even cry alot.


When are people who don't use cannabis going to stop educating people about cannabis please go away


My coworker smoke all the way through her pregnancy and her son is a straight A student and is now in college.


My friend had smoked weed throughout all of her 4 pregnancies.. Every baby came out big, no health issues, and all so smart today. The first one won the National spelling bee lol

And she smoked HEAVILY 😬


But marijuana IS safer than alcohol or cigarettes. That's actually a fact not a question.


This is extremely bias, you should sell this to D.A.R.E. rather than broadcasting this as an informational video on YouTube


Marijuana does not contain any hallucinagenics... I hope no one takes this video too seriously, these are not facts...


i'd say i've been smoking weed most of my life and i've NEVER gotten hallucinations from it


Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) is NOT morning sickness-- they are not interchangeable terms. HG is an extreme form of morning sickness that often lasts the entire pregnancy, is rare, and can be horrifically scary. It is extreme nausea and vomiting. For most, all day.


I am 10 weeks pregnant and I’m CRAVING some zaza I haven’t smoked in a month since I found I was pregnant and it’s smells absolutely horrid but I miss feeling sooo hiighhh. Has anyone else noticed the smell got worse or just me?


My question is, is being under constant stress, experiencing major depression and wanting to kill yourself really better than smoking weed? That kind of stress can't be good for the baby...


i thought this would actually be pertaining to pregnancy. you may as well change the title to marijuana classification


The only issue these comments are not mentioning is that many states will report to DSS/CPS if the baby tests positive (if you used cannabis after 20 weeks in pregnancy) and she tests positive— some states will only require one home visit and one clean cannabis test and close the case. Some states require 90 day drug classes for the parents, and the baby isn’t allowed to be with you alone ever at all during the case. You can stay with a family member or a member can stay with you (who’s been approved by CPS) with your baby so you can be together. Otherwise, a family member takes your child until your drug classes (and many clean drug tests during the case and at the very end, with the weekly classes) are entirely over and the reporters and supervisors close to case.


12 year grower here. One word PESTICIDES. Do not, and I mean do NOT SMOKE WEED DURING PREGANANCY. The most common pesticide used in cannabis is neem oil. In its concentrated form its called azadiractin. This can be converted into formaldehyde when a flame touches the residue.


why nobody tells this about alcohol ? alcohol is much more addictive & can lead to death marijuana can't do that


Ive been smoking pot during my first pregnancy, and now iam pregnant again and i still smoking pot, i dont want to do it im scared but nothing can beat pot when you have severe pain in your body, nausea, headache .... its really relaxing but still i want to use it only when my insomnia and anxiety hit during pregnancy,


im 9 weeks pregnant and only smoke when I really need it, I've been sick like a dog and my mental has gotten a lot worse since I got pregnant (to the point where I've wanted to harm myself) its not something I wanna go to since its illegal in my state and the dr I see drug tests and I my self have ADHD, mental health issues and a learning disability. Growing up with that shit was a major struggle and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone epically my child I just don't know what else to do. I've been smoking for about 4 years consistently but have only smoked not even a hand full of times since I got pregnant. just not sure what else to do but I don't wanna jeopardize the health of my baby


I struggled for 2 years to get pregnant I started smoking marijuana and I am now 2 months pregnant it actually helped me to conceive!


Smoked throughout my entire pregnancy for 5 out of 6 pregnancies. All children are perfectly normal no low birth weight or defects. Wish I would of smoked with my first. 😅


honestly i f the baby came out ina full peace i a m gonna use marijuana in pregnancy because better having a mother then no mother
