Webinar Humusica 202: Soil biodiversity and management - Practical tools + actions - Anna Schrötter

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Session "Top Soil Classification: Is there a wise way to use the soil?", 24 June 2021.

Presentation: Anna Schrötter: TerrHum - Lessons learned from the application of the Humus key

The webinar was held on 24 and 25 June 2021, as an initiative to highlight the release of the three-language updates of TerrHum, an app to classify forest humus forms (iOS and Android, free). Soil is the main storage bank for organic carbon on which humans can intervene to mitigate global warming. Furthermore, it is in the superficial part of the soil that a large part of the planet's biodiversity is found, without forgetting its importance in the field of microorganisms. The webinar was organized in three sessions, one dedicated to TerrHum and the classification of humus forms and two to the themes of biodiversity and climate warming on the second day. The online meeting kindly hosted by the Department TESAF of the University of Padua, Italy.
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