Outward RPG - *PUZZLE SPOILER* How to get a Crescent Shark Pet!

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A short video showing how to get the ferocious Crescent Shark as a pet! Hope you enjoy and be sure to subscribe!
1:10 - Getting the Crescent Shark Pet
1:40 - How to summon the Crescent Shark Pet

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Hey everyone,
After reading some of the comments I'd like to make a few clarifications:
I stumbled upon this accidentally and thought it would be cool to share to the community.
My friend and I found this pet ages ago before I made this channel and there was no information about it whatsoever on Reddit or Youtube.
I was unaware of the puzzle nor it's existence since I'm not part of the Outward Discord.
Someone messaged me about this pet being a prize of the puzzle after I posted the video.

My intentions were not to spoil anything, rather to show how to acquire a cool item.
Apologies to anyone who feel slighted that I exposed an item that they worked so hard to get.
That being said, I also feel that the whole community should benefit from this information.

I acquired this pet without the need or knowledge of solving a puzzle and I feel that everyone who wants to should benefit from it too. You can choose to solve the puzzle to get the item or just choose to get spoiled by this video - similar to the Melfino Trade Backpack. You choose how you want to play the game as it doesn't affect how others play.

I'll add a puzzle spoiler tag so those who are solving the puzzle can click at their own risk. I assume that if you are searching for information about the puzzle outside of the game then you want to spoil it for yourself - especially on a video tagged "PUZZLE SPOILER".


Haters gonna hate I guess. Thanks for posting this. The puzzle is still there and if anything you are just bringing more attention to it for others to appreciate if they so desire. This is something for people to enjoy not hold over heads of others because they had the time to obsess over and solve it. The puzzle discord is full of this big brain non sense sadly. “Eyes roll”

Keep up the good work


Woo, great video! I might actually use this pet since it actually looks cool :P


Thank you! That's exactly what I wanted.


wow thanks this'll be my first pet since I didn't pre-order the game.


As a puzzle solver, I'm glad that you had the balls to post this (even tho you didn't even know bout the puzzle :P). I pirated Brand and GF, found out about the time and everything.
Even copy pasted the stupid rune translations onto Google translate, hoping it'd detect any errors in my typing and autocorrect me (the translations were in french too so fuckin hell).
You're doing a good deed, keeping information free. I want to enjoy the game at my pace and not have to get excluded from content.

If you want to solve the puzzle, solve it, but don't force others to solve it to get the reward.
@Outward RPG I'll send you my Youtube friend link so I can forward you where to get started and even give you hints if you want it.


Hey man good video, Thanks for showing this was a bit of a random place for it to be I thought it was a drop from the sharks in abrassar..
I made a video on it I did credit you on the video :)


00:00 - Intro
01:10 - Getting the Crescent Shark pet
01:40 - How to summon the Crescent Shark Pet


Don't mind the hate man! These guys are clearly from the same jack-off puzzle discord that like to keep things "exclusive". Theyve spent so much of their lives invested on this puzzle and only have some pixel shark to show for it. I have a life and work projects to invest my time into, not some stupid puzzle that does nothing for my actual life. There are other aspects of the game to enjoy besides some puzzle. No-one cares if it's from some puzzle.
Those guys probably don't have any IRL friends to co-op this game with to show off that shark to anyway LOL


Wtf this definitely seems like a hidden easter egg. The fact that there's a specific time to get the pet seems really sus.


What's the difference between the puzzle, and getting the pet?


I don't really understand why you posted this. It's the result of a very long, thought out, intriguing puzzle created by the devs. They put a lot of work into it; spoiling the answer without even knowing why or how is kind of lame.
