Dealing with the Limitations of Gatsby Source Drupal

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This session will review:

The challenges I’ve encountered with using Gatsby and Drupal together
Difficulties using the often file and markdown focused plugins offered in the Gatsby plugin ecosystem.
Tips and tricks for using Drupal with Gatsby in a way that can take better advantage of other powerful Gatsby plugins.
Advantages to using Gatsby with Drupal and why I am likely to stick with it.
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Hey Brian, thanks for sharing this. I was, of course, stumped by the integration of Drupal images in Gatsby. What really helped me was when you said at about 10:30 « You cannot rely on GraphiQL to help you create the full query because the Explorer exposes the images on the Drupal website and not the local images processed by the gatsby-image plugin.»


Did you just add gatsby-image and that was all you needed to do? I cannot figure out how to make the query and get the localFile { childImageSharp and all that Jazz ... did you have to edit your gatsby-config at all?
