Angular project tutorial #6 JSON Server API for Angular | E-commerce Project

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This is the Angular project tutorial series and here we learn how to use json server and how to setup it in an E-commerce project with simple steps this is a perfect project course for beginners.
Learn how to make navbar and header in angular project step by step
Topics of this navbar or header:-
Why do we need JSON Server?
Set up Json server.
Install Postman.
Make First API.
Project for
angular project from scratch
angular project from scratch
angular project tutorial
angular project tutorial for beginners
angular projects for practice
angular project with api
angular project with web api
angular project with source code
Link of Playlist
Learn how to make navbar and header in angular project step by step
Topics of this navbar or header:-
Why do we need JSON Server?
Set up Json server.
Install Postman.
Make First API.
Project for
angular project from scratch
angular project from scratch
angular project tutorial
angular project tutorial for beginners
angular projects for practice
angular project with api
angular project with web api
angular project with source code
Link of Playlist
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