SKYFORGE in 2020

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⌖ So I revisited the Skyforge MMORPG in 2020..

⌖ So people often ask me what I think of Skyforge. Honestly, I haven't played nearly as much of it as I probably could have, but the same can be said for the majority of MMOs. These days I just don't have time to dedicate to more than one or two MMOs at any given time.
But 2020 just started, and I thought it'd be a good opportunity to go back and look at some of the better MMOs out there. The reason I wanted to do a video now, specifically, was because a brand new update was just rolled out. I spoke about it in my last Weekly Byte of MMORPG News video, but in essence, it adds new content in the form of Reaper invasions.
The Reapers of Death are monsters resurrected from Thanatos, the God of Death, not to be confused with his cousin, Thanos.


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Wow what a throwback! I haven't played this game in forever but honestly think about it pretty often


I have played many mmos, but I have never played a game this unfriendly towards new players!!!!

The game starts well enough, with a fun combat system, good graphics, even free costumes. At the beginning you have to go trough a tutorial, which is a series of soloable and easy (maybe too easy) instanced missions. You also have some fun open-world stuff. You go trough provinces, play missions, unlock more things and finish tutorial with an epic boss fight.

That's when things start to fall apart.

After the tutorial the "real" game begins, more stuff gets unlocked and you can't wait to try new things. Your character unlocks a special "divine form", which is a massive powerup. But soon you realise that almost everything (both the new stuff and the OLD stuff, that you did during tutorial) uses some kind of scaling. No longer are things too easy, now they are way too hard. You start to deal little to no damage and die extremely quickly. Stuff becomes either extremely hard and long to complete or outright impossible. The same mission I could complete during tutorial in 5 minutes later required over 40 minutes! Very boring 40 minutes, full of attacking bullet-sponges.

Divine form isn't some kind of cool powerup, but suddenly a necessary thing to complete almost anything. Alternatively you can get carried by longtime veterans, while being next to useless yourself.

You try to progress, thinking that it's just some kind of early game hell, but no matter what items you get (through the use of the divine form, or being carried) you don't become stronger. Scaling overwrites main stats of your character. Progress is some kind of unholy abomination of various system, but you are never sure if what you are gathering is actually helpful or not. Some things don't matter, because weird scaling overwrites them, others matter only sometimes, others seem to sabotage your character etc. I would get better equipment and get less health, for example.

Oh, by the way, divine form requires a resource that you have to gather quite slowly (at least at the beginning), allowing you roughly one transformation per day. Later it's more, but still...

People write it's one of a kind game and I agree: I have never seen such a convoluted and unfriendly mess of a game. I can't even say it's Pay2Win, because, frankly, I wouldn't even be sure what are you really supposed to buy to ease your "progress". I don't mind grindy games, but this one is just neither fun nor satisfying.

It's free so try it, but if you are serious about playing this game find some veteran players and guild ASAP. And remember that tutorial doesn't represent the game properly at all.


Ive played the beta and many weeks/months after release. Back then we had an incredible fun Skilltree that made your charakter stronger over time by playing the game.
You could unlock new classes with it aswell. I grinded the heck out of this game.
THEN i started World of Warcraft again.
After a while i logged into Skyforge and i was angry. They removed the skilltree, they reset my class and gear. There is a class called "Rogue oder shadowstalker, something like this" that got put behind a paywall. Gladly i played pvp and i got the class for free.
Classes are now locked behind story crap liniar questline. Some classes even got reseted completely so all i had left was some random classes ive unlocked, p2w classes and all outfits. Most shit ive grinded, got turned into another currency and ooooh boy im rich now.
Everything is behind a paywall now so i left. The Community is also damn toxic and not beginners friendly.


From my experience with the game:

The good:
- Story is great!
- Flavius <3
- Combat is really fluid and almost feels Action based despite being tab target
- Enemy mechanics and combat uniqueness are a good selling point. Those health orbs are a cool idea and being able to change class on the fly is really nice.

The bad:
- They removed the really cool Atlas level up system.
- Items locked behind paywalls
- The devs have forgotten about new/returning players. I returned to the game late last year and could not complete ANY content, let alone get new gear without someone hard carrying me through a dungeon.


I hated skyforge when they changed the progression system


I used to play this game all the time. I loved playing this game death, I made friends on there, joined a guild, etc etc.

But even though I've put in hours and hours of this game I never once got passed a certain level. I never once paid for anything in the game and I'm pretty sure that's why I never got anywhere.
I had a lot of help from the guild, they gave me tips and tricks, they taught me a lot of things to improve but what I didn't have was the endless hours.

And so I burnt out. Stoped playing, stoped talking to my guild all together and just left. This game have you re-do the same things everyday and it's tiring to feel as if you never get anywhere.


A good game and story it's just the system that's all messed up the last time I played sorry but I don't think it's right to put legendary weapons, classes and buffs behind a paywall that's why I left


bad review. I've never heard about or played the game, and I am still oblivious about what it is about. You've talked about nothing


Old player here. I quitted playing this former gem of a game after about 1k+ hrs due to the "Ascension" update. This update streamlined the game (to its detriment) and made it so it'll be console-friendly. They also added P2W items in the cash shop and TONS of Pay-To-Progress items that you'll be in a disadvantage if you don't pony up that money. If there's one thing I can say good about the game, then it has a great soundtrack especially on Distortions (raid battles).

Never again MyCom. 👎


I have good memories of Skyforge, I won't play it again though. In current state it requires coordination and dedication, if you play casually you won't make any progress. Good luck to all unavoidably confused newbies, returning veterans will probably recognize familiar nonsense through sugar coating rather fast.


I played this since founder closed beta and have to say I’m disappointed that they turned the game into a casino.


I'm playing the game right now as a new player and I must say the progression system sucks!
The only way to rank up is with gear drops which are close to zero.
On top of that I can't even finish the damn story missions because I'm rank 40, mobs are rank 45 and you have 10% less damage and armor for each missing rank so I basically get owned by normal mobs, that sucks!


"probability of this meeting was low"
battle companion say this line when you meet another player
and it is true, because noone playing this donate game
battle companion talk a lot, instead of helping me in fight


I went back a few weeks ago to try it again (mind you I haven't played on years, like 5 years or something), and boy, I couldn't even start a mission. My og character still exists, and he's bugged, I can't start missions, can't join teams, all I can do is roam the city hub. And you can't delete you character or create an alt, you have to contact support for that. So I decided fuck this, and installed it.
It's 2020, I shouldn't have to contact support in an mmo to delete my character...


i played the game for 2 years and i can say: it's P2W :( . I love the game and bosses difficulty, but you can't be endgame player if don't spend money, because of that i stopped with skyforge.


TL:DR: game good, but the devs care only for money at this point and bugs from the beta is still in. Shame really. Really enjoyed my time before ascension

-Game was really nice and fun to progress within the first year or so even with the extremely blatant p2w events where stuff took like 8+ hours to complete or you pay gems and send out 10x the amount.
-All classes where kinda fun to play even the gunner
-Atlas of Gods were an unique and fun progression system as you just killed monsters etc
- then early warning signs showed up,
Things suddenly started getting more expensive, removal of systems one by one, gear mattered 90% of damage health etc
- Then. Then. The "Ascension" update came out. And boy that really should've made me jump ship
- about 90-95% of classes got absolutely gutted/moved abilities to pvp so they weren't available in PvE, most others just felt terrible to play and others needed insanely good gear to work I.e the legendary weapons you had to buy. And everything got worse/felt worse the more updates came out

I stopped mostly cause i was removed from my Pantheon (guild) without notice even though i played every day and i was like "yeah no. 4-5 years of this 150 ping and now i don't have any friends of community to talk to anymore imma just leave for other stuff


Skyforge is a pay to win shit show. You either pay to get strong or you'll have to join a clan and get carried every day through dungeons for 4 years straight in order to be able to do them too.


I loved the game when it first launched, but boy did it go downhill quick p2w events power creep got way out of hand and bad simplification. Also do they still now have the forums back, it's been like 2 years so odd.


Yeah guys its safe to say don't play this game. Community is very small. Once you get god mode you'll pretty much have the be carried to progress. Elder god mode and later upgrades are locked behind the end game raids and they only players that can survive these are people that never stopped playing the game since day one. No one new to the game gets to progress past a certain point. I played this game for years so please guys take my word for it... Pass on it


So being a part of Skyforge from beta, I'm glad that there is new content being rolled and classes get added, I do miss early Skyforge. Some of that being the interaction with your followers, the old systems for leveling. Also it is very clear which classes our meant for survivability
