SCP-019 - Monster Pot

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SCP 019 is a Keter Class anomaly also known as Monster Pot.

SCP-019 appears to be a very large ceramic vase.
Periodically, entities emerge from SCP019. Collectively, these are known as SCP-019-2. The entities vary in many aspects, but tend to be small, vaguely humanoid (though they may have animaloid features), and extremely hostile. They often choose to attack with teeth or claws. Although fairly delicate (also, surprisingly, flammable), they are reasonably strong and pose a considerable threat in large numbers.

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SCP-3008 - Trapped in IKEA

SCP-001 - When Day Breaks (SCP Animation)

SCP-096 - The Shy Guy (SCP Animation)

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"She dashes to the door, giving it all she's got."


I kind of like how this one's... surprisingly low-key. No world-ending threat, no big cosmic deity, just a jar full of ravenous chihuahuas.


"Well, they'll all be dead in a couple of days and then we can try again."

So she survived almost getting devoured by millions of tiny monsters and could only think how they'll just start over again ... Just a normal day at the foundation


I'm just wondering if this is the one time they let Dr Bright use the chainsaw cannon?

**Millions of Pug headed rats descend on the SCP**
Dr Bright: My Time Has COME!!!! **loads chainsaw cannon**


Me: you can’t make a chase scene both suspenseful and hilarious.
SCP explained: hold my beer


I think it's a product of not having the time to construct long unique backgrounds and not wanting to do a Hanna Barbara style hallway, but the slow running characters do in these is always kind of funny. Looping background animations are a bit corny, but they might be the way to go.


Besides the millions of rats attacking at the end.

This is a pretty *_calm and safe_* S.C.P


Since these creatures evolve over time, it makes you wonder. Could they evolve to kill SCP 682. Or could they be used to at least feed 682?


So I'm actually an archaeologist (doing CRM work but ya know, still an archaeologist) and at first hearing the framing narrative I was thinking, "well this is silly, we don't just reach into pots we can't see into without thinking about it, " and then I started actually thinking about it-- I had a scorpion crawl up inside my pant leg (didn't know at first) and I grabbed it in the fabric and squished it and shook it out, had a few moments to be like "oh wow that could have been bad, this one is small and those are the more venomous ones and I'm a good 3-4 hours away from a hospital" and then I just got back to work. Like, hey, I didn't get stung so it's all good. Then a few days after that I was crawling around in a rock shelter to get the soil for sifting and despite being terrified of spiders, I didn't even think about the fact that there were probably tons of spiders hanging out in there.

Also, to identify bone I regularly just stick my tongue to it to see if it sticks (bone will slightly stick to your tongue) without even thinking about what I might be ingesting so yeah, I would probably go sticking my hand into a giant pot, though I might try shining a flashlight in first.

And I would probably not lean a ladder against it because that could break or scrape it up and that would suck.


In my country, we have our own version of pot monsters. We called them "Sigben" which is said to come from the unbaptised souls of dead babies. They live in a clay pot where they feed on small animals or people. It is claimed that there are some people who owns and commands one of these monsters...


"So the resorted to flamethrowers" is by far my favorite line


Dr. Light must have been a professional football player before joining the Foundation, with an accurate, twitch-reaction catch and throw like she demonstrated at 4:52 lmfao


Someone make it canon that the "rats mixed with pugs" be classified as "Rugs".


She was like, "Yep, just an average Tuesday on the foundation."


I think I saw one of those critters sitting in a lady's purse down in the city.


Thank you for doing a lesser-known SCP! I love learning about ones I’ve never seen, and I really enjoy the way your channel presents them! 👍🏼


I like that the running animations are... Exactly the same speed as walking animations. Brilliant.


That's not a monster pot...

*That's an awfully hot coffee pot.*


At the start of the video - “oh they aren’t so bad. Sure they are dangerous but they look easy to contain.”

At the end - “my god they evolve”


I LOVE YOU’RE ANIMATIONS ITS SO INTERESTING. I LIVE HOW YOU GUYS MAKE THEM HAVE EMOTIONS.. they look made and everything haha. I really do watch all of you’re videos. No matter how long they are
