How To Use Object Snap in AutoCAD | How To Use Object Snap Tracking in AutoCAD | AutoCAD Tutorials

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How To Use Object Snap in AutoCAD | How To Use Object Snap Tracking in AutoCAD | AutoCAD Tutorials

In this tutorial we will see how to How To Use Object Snap in AutoCAD and How To Use Object Snap Tracking in AutoCAD

#objectsnapinautocad #autocad #autocadtutorials

Welcome to The Engineers Guide, here we teach the basic tools and techniques in AutoCAD, so that a beginner engineer, architect, interior designer, hobbyist can use it and excel in their craft.

List of Shortcut Commands:

- Show Command line - Ctrl key + 9
- Show Command line - COMMANDLINE + Spacebar/enter
- Units dialog box - UN + Spacebar/enter
- change units - -DWGUNITS + Spacebar/enter
- Insert table - TB + Spacebar/enter
- Insert image - imageattach
- Area - Area/AA
- Line : L+ Spacebar/enter
- Rectangle: REC+ Spacebar/enter
- Circle: C+ Spacebar/enter
- Arc: ARC+ Spacebar/enter
- Polyline: PL+ Spacebar/enter
- Move: M+ Spacebar/enter
- Copy: CP+ Spacebar/enter
- Mirror: MI+ Spacebar/enter
- Fillet : F+ Spacebar/enter
- Offset: OF+ Spacebar/enter
- Hatch: H+ Spacebar/enter
- Array: AR+ Spacebar/enter
- Scale: SC+ Spacebar/enter
- Text: T+ Spacebar/enter
- Linear Dimension: DLI+ Spacebar/enter
- Angular Dimension: DAN+ Spacebar/enter
- Radius Dimension: DRA+ Spacebar/enter
- Diameter Dimension: DDI + Spacebar/enter
- Match properties - MP + Spacebar/enter

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to post :).


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