BEWARE, THEY'RE NO LONGER HIDING - The Leader of the New World Is About to Be Revealed!

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►Speech is completely original and produced exclusively by Grace Digital Network
►Animation: Tina Davidson
►Writer: David Kolawole
►Sound Design: Coker Esther

All scripture animations are derived from the King James Bible (KJB) or simply the Authorized Version (AV)

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Title: BEWARE, THEY'RE NO LONGER HIDING - The Leader of the New World Is About to Be Revealed!

The prayers are located at the end of the video.


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We are so very close to his returns to call us up, then the last seven years will be deadly and horrific, the wicked will see God's wrath pour down upon this world!!! He is coming for us church! Jesus said what to watch for and it is happening here and now! No longer future events. He said when you see these things come to pass, look up your redemption drawth nigh. .LOOK UP PEOPLE JESUS IS AT THE DOOR, HE ONLY WAITING ON GOD TO LET HIM COME FOR HIS BRIDE, MUCH LOVE


My deepest gratitude for this amazing grace. Our God is an Awesome God, He reigns from Heaven above with wisdom, power & Love our God is an Awesome God. Peace be with you and to all .


He knows his final demize, so he's trying to take as many of us out as he can!!!


Jesus has overcame the world and with him we can too 🙏


Yes use dicernment, research, prey, listen to God!!!


Praise to our Lord Jesus Christ ✝️🙏Amen.


Yes the BIBLE is the start of words on Planet earth


It's beeñ said he's already here!!! Be aware


I think what every Christian needs to understand is that prophecy is very easy to understand when you put all of the pieces together at the same time instead of just nitpicking certain scriptures. That being said whether God comes to get us before all the problems happen or in the middle or even at the end you got to be prepared for any of those situations to happen. Don't be stubborn and have in your head that we are being raptured before anything happens that is called the teaching of eminency and that was introduced in the mid 1800s cuz no one believed Jesus coming before the tribulation or the wrath yes it says he will keep us from the wrath or the hour of rest but he can keep us safe while we're going through it as well or he can just take us up before the rest begins no we are not appointed to wrath but it doesn't mean we're leaving because prophecy really does State and show that we will be here for some things but I'm starting to see and starting to come to the conclusion we might be here even through everything there is no way any Christian is being beheaded in the prophecies if we are gone there would be no saints here left and it's not talking about people that believe after the rapture those are not considered saints if you see how the Bible talks about the people that behind. However any of those three teachings could happen but don't have your heart set on one because that's when you become the scoffer at other Christians the Christians are the scoffers in that prophecy no person that doesn't know about God or the rapture is going to come to you and tell you since our ancestors were here everything continues as it was where is the promise of his coming? No person that doesn't believe in God is going to tell you or say that to you in the last days it's going to be people who fell away from the faith because of something that happens and I do believe that the teaching of imminency is one of the main culprits why we're going to have so many Christians Fall away cuz they're going to ask themselves where is the promise of his coming I'm supposed to be gone by now what happened?. Those are the ones that have their heart set on a specific time frame that could be the reason or it could be another reason who knows what the reason why Christians fall away so quickly or in such a large number of them. Just be prepared for any of those three to happen if we're here during the Antichrist reign which I see scriptures stating we are then you would be a mid trip Christian and then what happens after that about a year or two after the Antichrist shows himself that's apparently when the trumpets begin to sound if you look at the book of Daniel it tells you a certain number of days after he does the abomination of desolation just be prepared for anything do not fall for things that are outside of scripture


Man has changed words in some Bibles. Bad to do!


Our God indeed is a covenant keeping God. Has he said a thing and not perform it? I watch how things unfold in my life, from penury to $356, 000 every three months and I can only praise him and trust him more. Hallelujah🙌🏻❤️


Its been said he's already here!!! BEAWARE


King George 3, its him. Hes almost ready. Everyone will see soon


Skipped a whole lot. He has to gather HIS CHOSEN ONES first 😂😂😂😂


ATTENTION BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN CHRIST: When you visit a channel you can have a part in God’s Plan of Salvation by posting Salvation verses in the comments section. Post actual verses of Scripture from the Bible. God’s Word will not return void. It is very effective to getting Scripture to many lost people. Copy and paste. It’s so very simple and time is short. God can use YOU! And He wants to use YOU! Looking up!

Romans 10:13 “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” It’s simply believing what Jesus did for us. His death, burial and resurrection.
Looking up!


You saying a lots Cuz. I don’t plan on being here after the Rapture. I believe. In the word of God. I’m rereading Revelation. Danial 1snd 2 kings. And 1. And 2 Peter I’m running for my life there is even son members in our family full of the devil. All I can do is pray for them and keep far away. They full of troubles. I’m not going to be no part amen I pray 🙏 I love you cuz hold on to God


He already has the influence and demands worship idk how anyone can’t see it’s the Pope he literally has done everything described in this video


I have a question when we go to HAVEN will my family I have on EARTH will we remember with other or not I know most of my family will be there when we are around each other will know that we are a EARTH family plus all of the fur babies be there with us as well


Didn't you guys have Trump pictured in this same video?!


