ranking the Harry Potter books from WORST to BEST

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Hello friends! In this video, I am ranking the Harry Potter books from WORST to BEST! I also talk about all my thoughts on each book! enjoy xx


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A girl who likes to read, likes Harry Potter, has a good ranking, AND doesn't praise Draco!? I'M SUBSCRIBING❤️


here’s my ranking:)

7. chamber of secrets
6. philosophers stone
5. deathly hallows
4. half blood prince
3. goblet of fire
2. prisoner of azkaban
1. order of the phoenix (i think we can all agree it’s the best one)

i love ur videos :) <3333


i love that you gave so many good arguments supporting your opinion (and i definitely agree with your top choice. i think i actually agree with everything, you got me thinking and hm... now i can say you convinced me!)


Alright i dont know if youll ever see this but the little obstacles before the philosphers stone do have a purpose. They were put there to challenge the golden trio, because only the mirror is necessary, due to the enchantment surrounding wanting it but not wanting to use it. Dumbledore could have left it in the middle of the great hall and quirrel never would have gotten it. The obstacles were meant to be passed


1. Half-Blood Prince
2. Prisoner of Azkaban
3. Goblet of Fire
4. Order of the Phoenix
5. Deathly Hallows
6. Sorcerer’s Stone
7. Chamber of Secrets

1. Prisoner of Azkaban
2. Half-Blood Prince
3. Sorcerer’s Stone
4. Deathly Hallows Part 2
5. Deathly Hallows Part 1
6. Chamber of Secrets
7. Order of the Phoenix
8. Goblet of Fire


Funny enough my favorite character from the second book was lockhart. He was so full of himself and his ego was bigger than his britches but I couldn't help but smile every time he popped up on the page. His personality bled through the pages. It always made me laugh and felt like his character was the most flushed out. Just my opinion though :0


Here’s my ranking for the Harry Potter movies as well 😊 from favorite to least favorite

1. The Chamber of Secrets
2. The Order of the Phoenix
3. The Deathly Hallows: Part 1 and Part 2
4. The Prisoner of Azkaban
5. The Philosopher’s Stone
6. The Goblet of Fire
7. The Half-Blood Prince


My opinion (From Least to my most favourite):

1) The Chamber of Secrets
2) The philosopher’s Stone
3) The Deathly hallows
4) The Half-Blood prince
5) The prisoner of Azkaban
6) The Goblet of Fire
7) The order of the Phoenix


I totally agree with all your opinions. You seriously explained your choices so well!!!


My list, least to most favorite.
7. Sorcerer's Stone - Introduced us to the wizarding world, but I just felt it's the weakest out of the series. The Boy Who Lived is one of my favorite chapters of the series though.
6. Chamber of Secrets - Most people place this below Sorcerer's Stone, but I personally believe it to be better. It introduced wizarding racism and the power Voldemort can have over unsuspecting people. There was also a sense of mystery, more than any other book.
5. Prisoner of Azkaban - I know most people place this higher. I just don't like the time-traveling aspect it introduced. This is the book where Harry is starting to mistrust the institution and introduces us to Lupin and Sirius.
4. Goblet of Fire - Barty Crouch instigating the whole thing was interested, and the series starts taking a darker tone by the end.
3. Deathly Hallows - The culmination of the series, and it has my two favorite chapters of them all : The Prince's Tale and The Forest Again.
2. Half-Blood Prince - Harry's, Ron's, and Hermione's last normal year at Hogwarts. The forays into the pensive with Dumbledore were always interesting. Also shows just how brilliant Snape was as a student.
1. Order of the Phoenix - My favorite, which tends to be polarizing. Yes, Harry is angsty, but I believe it makes him more relatable. This book is just depressing . . . which is why I like it, lol


Loved yours! Here's mine:

1°: *Order of the Phoenix*
—> Loved Harry's PTSD and character' study. Loved how broken Harry is and how shitty this particular year in Hogwarts was being. I think the climax is kinda shitty, and Sirius death is a good finale, but was kinda unecessary. It also has pacing issues.

2°: *Half-Blood Prince*
—> Albus Dumbledore. We never had seen him so close, and it was great. His death is the greatest death Just Kiddind Rowling ever wrote. It's also tight and well-paced. The Malfoy subplot was okay, I guess. The lack of grief from Harry about Sirius is upsetting, considering how much he suffered for Cedric.

3°/4°: Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire

5°: Deathly Hallows (shitty ending)

6°: Sorcerer's Stone

7°: Chamber of Secrets


My ranking:

1. Deathly hallows
2. Order of the phoenix
3. Half blood Prince
4. Goblet of fire
5. Prisoner of azkaban
6. Philosopher stone
7. Chamber of secrets


my worst to best: :3
7. chamber of secrets
6. deathly hallows
5. philosophers stone
4. goblet of fire
3. prisoner of askaban
2. half-blood Prince
1. order of the phoenix


my ranking:

1) Order of the Phoenix
2) Prisoner of Azkaban
3) Chamber of Secrets
4) Deathly Hallows
5) Half-Blood Prince
6) Goblet of Fire
7) Philosophers Stone


i love Dumbledores a mirror of erised but it is so flawed, if voldemort sent a death eater to get the stone then they would be able to get it, all they need to do is get the stone but not to use it themselves


Good ranking! Here’s mine:

7: sorcerers/philosophers stone
6: chamber of secrets
5: half blood prince
4: prisoner of Azkaban
3: Deathly hallows
2: order of the Phoenix
1: goblet of fire

Side note, I do love chamber of secrets, and ironically it’s my favorite movie of the movies. But I do agree the other later books are just better


My ranking of the books from most favorite to least favorite 😊

1. The Philosopher’s Stone
2. The Chamber of Secrets
3. The Order of the Phoenix
4. The Goblet of Fire
5. The Deathly Hallows
6. The Half-Blood Prince
7. The Prisoner of Azkaban


Loved the ranking. My personal ranking is
1. Harry Potter and The deathly hallows, love how it doesn’t start at Hogwarts and we get to see the impact of the war on the golden trio amazing character development.
2. Harry Potter and The Half blood Prince 👑, phenomenal book 📕, I absolutely love how it develops upon Voldemort’s character as we discover more about his past and I also love Snape in this book.
3. Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire 🔥 phenomenal read it gives us a slightly different direction in the story as it starts to get darker, it’s the book I couldn’t put down because of how amazing it was, and Voldemort’s return is horrifying but so iconic and mad eye moody an amazing character.
4. HP Prisoner of Azkaban- amazing book gives us a lot of mystery, the character relationships are on point and the reveal of pettigrew was amazing. I also love the father figure of Remus Lupin to Harry and RTD dementors are a cool concept.
5. HP Philosophers stone a great introduction to a series giving us the characters and works within the story it remains an iconic classic as it started the franchise.
6. HP the chamber of secrets- I don’t hate this book at all it is a very underrated book it’s fantastic and keeps the reader engaged with the horror aspects of it. The highlights of the book are Lockhart and The mystery of the chamber of secrets.
Now we come to my controversial pick
7. HP Order of the Phoenix- now I still love this book 📖 it’s just my least favourite as there are many unnecessary parts to the story that sort of lose you in the story. I hate the attitude of Sirius in the book so I don’t feel as sad when he dies. However the highlights of this book for me are the introduction of Luna Lovegood and Professor McGonagall standing up to Umbridge. McGonagall remains my favourite badass teacher at Hogwarts.
This is my personal opinion you may disagree and that’s okay, to each their own xx


Finally completed a Harry Potter reread earlier this year (I always just stopped after the first two or three in my past rereads for one reason or another) and found out that my ranking of the books are almost the opposite of my ranking for the films.

My Ranking (Best to Worst):

Goblet of Fire - i felt like this book did the best job at balancing their time at Hogwarts and uncovering Voldemort's secrets.
Half-Blood Prince (least fav movie) - was not expecting to enjoy this book as much, learning more about Tom Riddle and Snape >>>
Prisoner of Azkaban - great job at darkening the tone
Philosophers Stone - so most nostalgia for this book
Deathly Hallows - the last half is so great but its held back by the first half quite a bit
Order of the Phoenix - also suffers from a poor first half but is redeemed by the latter half, just dragged on too much for my liking
Chamber of Secrets - lots of great additions but the plot has always been my least favourite


My opinion:
7. Philosopher stone
6. Prisoner of Azkaban
5. Chamber of secrets
4. Half blood Prince
3. Goblet of Fire
2. Deathly Hallows
1. Order of the Phoenix yep
