X: The Life and Times of Malcolm X: Trailer

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Anthony Davis’s groundbreaking and influential opera arrives at the Met. Kazem Abdullah conducts an exceptional cast in director Robert O’Hara’s new staging, led by baritone Will Liverman as the iconic civil rights leader. 2023–24 season.
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I can’t believe ish let his little white girl take him to this. On thanksgiving 😂. But they getting all kinds of promo tho


“Get yo hand out of my pocket” Joe budden


I'm glad Opera is starting to get with the times. There were many reasons why it was dying, particularly because it simply wasn't resonating with my generation (Gen Z) and not enough was being done to really bother trying to modernise opera with fresh new productions that take risks, do bold things, say more with their stories, with the music, than just tales of rather archaic views on romance and love, to uncomfortabke degrees at times (I respect these operas but a lot of them have not aged well and there's always a feeling of unshakeable creakiness about them, as if they are forever chained to only appeal to an older, far more conservative crowd that is slowly dying out and unable to carry these sorts of stories, more fitting for their time, afloat. Not without any daring changes or diversifying them, changing them, rhe way that theatre can be bold reinventing classic Shakespeare, even to the point of swapping genders, race, sexuality, altering texts, finding new meaning in the thematic concepts of those stories.)

It really has seemed even by comparison to Ballet and Theatre, that Opera has not bothered keeping up in trying to get the next generations on board. Opera is niche, it is definitely not for everyone especially nowadays. But, I think every Opera House should take up the challenge and dare to dream and reinvent themselves, to be more inviting to a new, younger crowd. Opera cannot survive without that.

I'm thankful the Met is finally at least trying to do better, to bring into the fold more modern productions, tackling broader political issues, telling different stories that aren't all entirely fifty shades of various love triangles and tragedies. These new productions are magnificent and open up the doors to new opera being created, explored and performed.

I'm thankful down here, Opera Australia has actually been leading the charge and reinventing how they make opera. Utilising advanced tech to create digital sets so cinematic and bold, they breathe a lot of life in older operas and also allow new ones to be made with high production values and be free to be as creative as they can be, it's made the opera incredibly expressive and modernised.

Older crowds may not agree and may not like the new, afraid of change, the avant-garde, wanting comfort in recycled and being catered to solely, but they have had decades experiencing opera designed solely for them. They have had many, many years.

So when new has arrived and when change is coming, perhaps instead of rejecting it outright you could be more open minded whilst learning to understand, naturally, things have to change because time always moves forwards and that is the way of things. Every generation is different, in their art, their music, their creativity, and we all interpret things in our own way. Opera cannot remain stale and complacent to solely cater to an older crowd, one that will not be here forever and as new generations get older they do not become you, they are the same, only getting older themselves, their tastes have changed, they are different people to you, Opera, like all Art, should be for everyone and should include everyone.

I hope opera continues moving forwards and doing better, as that is what will save it and allow it to prosper well into the future for the generation after mine, after Alpha, after their generation too. Art adapts and changes like the tides, new operas and new productions that reinterpret and modernise old ones to suit the times are absolutely essential and much welcome, this has been exciting to see unfold and very, very welcome.


My review (written by Neil Leslie Gilbert of © N L G W J Household

Searched for opera performance to attend and found Met Opera Live: X: The Life and Times of Malcolm X via cinemas.

ACT: 1
Delighted about submitting. Though some dialogue differed from text.

Wanted to sing at view of subtle text when actors and actresses sung vocals.

Was hopeful of (and expected) vocals to sound like word spellings, which
I experienced.
Stage acting had moments where actors and actresses movements declare professionalism. E.g. I wanted to synchronise vision and sound. I would think: 'success of drama on stage or film productions is achieved when one's mind is synchronised with reference i.e. dictionaries or encyclopedia during or and by the end of performance' actors and actresses grammar/ vocals improved by the end of act 1.
Apart from stage whispers, I enjoyed act 1.

ACT: 2

Attentive to vocal dialogue.
Focused upon past dated content.
Me thought after end of Act 2 is:
1. 'what changed in American and overseas societies'
2. 'was Malcolm X coherently administrated'
3. 'was Malcolm X upheld in politics and law'
4. 'is current American societies and overseas societies better or not better after Malcolm X commission'

Reflecting upon scenes and vocals of Act 1 (Malcolm X arrested, black's/ Negro's citizens stealing, and selling stolen property, is the white) Caucasian citizens homes safe)

I wondered about actual occurrences of Malcolm X associated commission. Can anyone depend on authenticity of enactments.
Delighted by actual snippets of Malcolm X after close of act 2. I would be comforted to read or hear about total hours Malcolm X commissioned and achievements.


Focused by dialogue. Wondered if
1. Malcolm X used Nation to commission race related issues.
2. Was 'Nation' religious organization or other

As me adore choral music, me enjoyed chanting.
However, thought about Nation's leading figure telling Malcolm X to NOT preach/ speak.
Wondered if Malcolm X was obedient with his / Nation's commission.

Recollection of dancers in act 1 representing (what I think) people being frantic, upset, angry following police information of death and dialogue about fires started. (I would think the biased prejudice of AD:1931 America could have been retaliation associated with organisations formed by klu Klux Klan organisations)

Wondered about how Nation organisation and klu Klux Klan organisations resolved and discussed peace in America.

I enjoyed: Met Opera Live: X: The Life and Times of Malcolm X

Stageplay was interesting, wonderful vocals, brilliant costumes.

'marvelous conceptual theatre'


I assume it is free entrance and hope that they can pay the bills


My review (written by Neil Leslie Gilbert of © N L G W J Household

Searched for opera performance to attend and found Met Opera Live: X: The Life and Times of Malcolm X via cinemas.

ACT: 1
Delighted about submitting. Though some dialogue differed from text.

Wanted to sing at view of subtle text when actors and actresses sung vocals.

Was hopeful of (and expected) vocals to sound like word spellings, which
I experienced.
Stage acting had moments where actors and actresses movements declare professionalism. E.g. I wanted to synchronise vision and sound. I would think: 'success of drama on stage or film productions is achieved when one's mind is synchronised with reference i.e. dictionaries or encyclopedia during or and by the end of performance' actors and actresses grammar/ vocals improved by the end of act 1.
Apart from stage whispers, I enjoyed act 1.

ACT: 2

Attentive to vocal dialogue.
Focused upon past dated content.
Me thought after end of Act 2 is:
1. 'what changed in American and overseas societies'
2. 'was Malcolm X coherently administrated'
3. 'was Malcolm X upheld in politics and law'
4. 'is current American societies and overseas societies better or not better after Malcolm X commission'

Reflecting upon scenes and vocals of Act 1 (Malcolm X arrested, black's/ Negro's citizens stealing, and selling stolen property, is the white) Caucasian citizens homes safe)

I wondered about actual occurrences of Malcolm X associated commission. Can anyone depend on authenticity of enactments.
Delighted by actual snippets of Malcolm X after close of act 2. I would be comforted to read or hear about total hours Malcolm X commissioned and achievements.


Focused by dialogue. Wondered if
1. Malcolm X used Nation to commission race related issues.
2. Was 'Nation' religious organization or other

As me adore choral music, me enjoyed chanting.
However, thought about Nation's leading figure telling Malcolm X to NOT preach/ speak.
Wondered if Malcolm X was obedient with his / Nation's commission.

Recollection of dancers in act 1 representing (what I think) people being frantic, upset, angry following police information of death and dialogue about fires started. (I would think the biased prejudice of AD:1931 America could have been retaliation associated with organisations formed by klu Klux Klan organisations)

Wondered about how Nation organisation and klu Klux Klan organisations resolved and discussed peace in America.

I enjoyed: Met Opera Live: X: The Life and Times of Malcolm X

Stageplay was interesting, wonderful vocals, brilliant costumes.

'marvelous conceptual theatre'


They outta pocket r.i.p. Brother Malcom this is blasphemy
