Hadoop Streaming in Hue/Oozie, querying results in Hive
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Hadoop Streaming in Hue/Oozie, querying results in Hive
Hadoop Tutorial - Submit any Oozie jobs directly from HDFS in Hue
Hadoop Tutorial - Hue: Schedule Hive queries with Oozie coordinators
Hadoop Tutorial: Hue - Execute Hive queries and schedule them with Oozie
Hue: Starting Point for Exploration and Real Time Interaction with Hadoop
Hadoop In 5 Minutes | What Is Hadoop? | Introduction To Hadoop | Hadoop Explained |Simplilearn
oozie workflow for Hive queries using Hue dashboard
Hadoop tutorial: how to use HCatalog in Hue
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CloudxLab - Execute shell script using Oozie Workflow
What is Oozie in Hadoop | Edureka
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