Care Supreme Health Insurance 2023 |*HONEST* Review | Policy Details, Problems & Premiums

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Is Care Supreme Health Insurance really a game-changer in 2023? Is it as good as it seems? In this video, we dive deep into Care Supreme Health Insurance, covering its policy details, features, coverage, eligibility criteria, cost, and crucial add-ons-

In this Care Supreme Health Insurance Review, we will cover-

– Key features such as a co-pay clause, network hospitals, room-rent restrictions, OPD & alternative treatment, air ambulance coverage etc
– How Care Supreme Restoration Benefit, No Claim Bonus, 500% Cumulative bonus Super works
– Variety of add-ons in Care Supreme including PED modification, Instant coverage, Free health checkups etc
– Issues of Care Supreme Health Insurance
– Feature & Price comparison of Care Supreme Health Insurance with HDFC ERGO, Niva Bupa & other insurance players
– Does DITTO recommend– Listen to our #UnabashedlyUnbiased insurance advisors

Check out our review on

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Correction: Care Supreme offers a cumulative bonus, which means 50% bonus gets added each year upto 100% - regardless of claim.


Raking table doesn't look correct. Star's number is highest, still not on 1st why ??


How to compare a general insurance company like HDFC Ergo with a standalone insurer like Star, Care or Niva Bupa as the general insurance companies has other insurance products as well.

For example (I did a small analysis. Please correct me if I am wrong), HDFC Ergo has a compaint volume of around 6% where as its 30-40% for Care or Niva Bupa. But we can't read that 6% as such as a really good one as HDFC Ergo has other policies like Motor, Fire, etc. So I tried to find out what is the total volume of the health insurance within HDFC Ergo against the total premiums they collect (Gross Written Premium). I can read from their annual report they have around 30-35% of health insurance.
Now coming to their complaint volume. Assuming (worst case), the entire 6% of the complaints coming in this 30-35% of the health insurance share they have, 3 times 6% (calculating only for their health insurance) would be 18% which is still way less than the complaint volumes of Niva Bupa & Care.

The numbers may change in future. But is the right way to compare a general insurer & a standalone health insurer??


is restore benefit available in partial claim as well or only when whole of sum insured is exhausted? Please clarify


No one is talking about zone wise restriction for Care Supreme plan. I also connected with Ditto team. They mentioned there is no restriction. Always they are giving copy pasted answer. They are not bother about asking the right question to Care insurance.

I connected with Care insurance directly. Care insurance mentioned that if you purchase zone2 policy as you are staying in zone2, you can claim in zone 1 if there is doctor referral and travel history documents.
As my understanding this is a restriction if any one is willing to go to zone 1 city for any critical illness treatment.


What if I added add on like PED reduce to 2 years, Can I remove that add on after 2 years or Do I need to pay that add on charges on every renewal?


Mam, Looks to be its good plan. Especially your explanation is really good. Please keep it up


Wow you guys started to make videos on Insurance, this was much needed.
Please cover Niva bupa reassure 2.0 Platinum & Aditya Birla Active Fit Plus :)

Keep up the good work, best of luck for the YouTube journey ❤


Does care supreme and care supreme direct have same benefits ?


i dont understand why you guys never talk about star health insurance, they alone sold the max no.of policies than the rest all combined?
00:50 timestamp


Wrong info : In care supreme policy wording document if you search Unlimited Restore benfit it is clearly mentioned that refill will only be done when you have completly exhaused your sum insured not partially which means even if 5k sum insured is left in that policy tenure they will not refill untill it get exhausted to 0 which is very rare.


isme co pay nahi hai par deductable hai kya?


Manipal cigna prime advantage, ICICI Lombard health insurance, bajaj Allianz health guard platinum please consider these 3


Can you tell me how is Reliance Infinity health plan?


Thanks for the informative video & best wishes to the team & channel ahead.
I am a 27Yr old IT professional, looking to buy a Health Insurance. Of all the research, confused between HDFC Optima Secure (or super secure) v/s Niva Bupa Reassure 2.0.
Also a doubt, suppose I take individual plan for for now, can I convert this to family plan in 2-3 Yrs? how should one proceed in such case?
Budget is not much of a constraint for a difference of 3-5k between plans. My priority is Hassle free claim when it's time to avail the benefits without much of "Jhig-Jhig" :)


Can i take this policy after bypass surgery was done before 10 years?


हमने आर्यावर्त बैंक का दस लाख का हेल्थ इंश्योरेंस लिया है group 360 jiska प्रीमियम हमने 15400/ जमा किया है क्या ये सही है कल ही लिया हैं


Why star is not ranked first ? Star sold more way more policies than the sum of all other insurers. @00:50


what is the minimum sum assured one should buy for parents?


Can lower zone customers take treatment in a higher zone without copayment?
